He's an Angel

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I don't know, I'm tired, bored, and craving cuddles rn..

A  S  H  T  O  N

Luke came into the dressing room, singing Kiss Me Kiss Me, belting out the lyrics with Calum and Michael running in right behind him. Considering it was such a large room, my band mates were all laughing with each other and smiling, not even giving me a second glance.

Basically, what happened to somewhat cause this, was that I told them all I was gay and management let me come out so I did. And now, everyone is either ignoring me or hating me. Even the fans. I can't believe that they all turned on me.

So, instead of being an intruder, I decided to get up an leave. And, as I did, I heard Calum laugh, "Thank god he left!"

I continued to walk throughout the building where we were supposed to be preforming tonight until I found a staircase leading all the way to the roof. The elevator was out of order down here so might was well just walk up.

Making my way up the stairs, I heard the other boy's laughs from the air vents and couldn't help the tears that pricked the corners of my eyes.

"Hey! Where's Ashton?" I heard someone yell, the voice echoing through the large tower like staircase. The sound emitting from the vent made it clear that this place was quite well quiet.

"The fag left somewhere," I heard him say harshly. "The little pansy is so stupid." I let out a choked sob and ran up the stairs, making sure not to trip as I did so.

I made it up at least 26 flights and I was exhausted. Only four more left and I'll finally be welcomed by the warm sun. 

Pushing open the door, I made sure to lock it from the outside, that way no one could bother me. I walked over to the edge and put my hands on the ledge, looking down, I noticed a bunch of fans all gathered in a circle. The screams got louder as a girl pointed up at me and everyone looked up, their phones clutched in their hands. 

I waved and apparently one of them had a mega phone.

"Ashton! You're such a disappointment! Kill yourself already! We all hate you anyways!" That stung. It really did. There was banging on the door and as I walked back over to it, my hand hovering over the handle, the same girl repeated "Kill yourself! Faggot!" I couldn't take it anymore. I unlocked the door and practically ran to the other side of the roof, jumping up onto the ledge.

"Ashton! Stop you don't understand," I looked over and saw Luke, he was clutching my drumsticks and glasses. "If you jump now we can't preform tonight." I shook my head. Of course he wasn't going to change. None of them were.

"Screw you guys," I managed to get out. I took in a breath before straightening my posture and looking over the edge. No one was on that side of the street, only a busy road in the city. "I bet Satan himself would be better than you."

I gave him one more look and he raised an eyebrow as if to say "are you serious." I flicked him off as I took a step backwards, letting my body fall. And, as I fell, Luke had the most shocked expression on his face.

It didn't hurt. Only like a slight pinch to the back of your head before it all went light. Hell wasn't supposed to be light. It was supposed to be suffering pain, rotting corpses, Satan, and just... Pain.

"Ashton! You weren't due here until you were 85!" A girl exclaimed, running over to me. Her voice was soft, yet firm. A golden halo over her brown curled hair, angel wings coming out from behind her.

"Am I.. Am I dead?" I asked her. She smiled at me, handing me a pair of thick rimmed glasses. 

"Welcome to heaven, Ash. Where you will learn to love and cherish every minute here." I smiled at her and looked down at the clouds below me, shocking part was, I could see Luke run over to the edge of the same building and look down, a chorus of screams were heard as well as police sirens. Too bad, their loss anyways.

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