The Princess

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Okay! I've been working my ass off on requests and my best friend Michael (;D) and I were planning on doing Lashton or Malum smut sometime since someone requested it... It was supposed to be written today but.... I never got around to it because I was playing with my guinea pig (his name's Sheldon and he has cancer :( ) and went swimming all day long.

BOTTOM LINE IS... We'll both write it because he has no fucking clue as to how gay we works... At least I hope he doesn't O.O

ANYWAYS! I don't want to turn on y computer and have to edit this and shit, so, I'm writing this at 10:45 pm with my phone .-. "My Bad" for any mistakes with this I just thought of it before I started reading "Sugar Lips" again... HOPE YOU ENJOY!


Ashton's Point of View

"How's it going, princess?" Michael asked whilst running the back if his hand down my right cheek. I shove his hand off my face and scrunched up my face.

"'M not a princess, quit calling me that!" I argued with him while pulling out my textbooks and notebook. You could say that he was upset that I wouldn't go out with him. Only because everyone just has to like Michael Clifford.

"But you could be! You could be my princess and I'd be able to call you that every morning!" He chirped as I closed my locker.

"No thanks," I walked away from him, leaving him to pout and sulk all he wants. Honestly, ever since I came to this town, no one will leave me alone.

"Ashy! Princess!" I turned around and was met with Calum Hood, another popular boy that had asked me out but I denied.

"Go 'way, Calum," I said, dragging my feet as I walked to the court yard for my free period. I though I was the only one that knew about the court yard, but Calum appeared there one day, sitting in my spot, and never left me alone.

"C'Mon, princess, can't I at least get a hug?" I waved him off and pushed open the glass door to be met with the cold winter weather Utah provided.

When the door closed, the one 10 feet in front of it opened up to reveal and warmly dressed Luke Hemmings.

"How's it going, princess?" He asked. I let out an exaggerated sigh and plopped myself down on a stone bench, propping me feet up and allowing my head to slightly dangle off the side.

When I thought he left and gave up on me, the door opened again and I peered up to see Calum an Michael walk through.

"What's up, Michael, Calum," Luke awkwardly greeted from his spot on the cold cement ground.

"What're you doing here, Lukey?" Calum asked, using his nickname.

"I'm here with princess Ashton, what about you two?"

"I'm here to ask my Ashton on a date," Michael said through gritted teeth.

"That's what I'm here to do!" Both Calum and Luke exclaimed at the same time.

What the literal fuck, three of the most popular boys at the school are fighting over me. Okay fuck me over and call me Sherlly, but this is a dream.

"If you want someone to fuck you over, all you just had to do was ask," Luke said turning to me, sending a wink my way.

"Did I just..."

"Yeah you said all that out loud," Michael informed me.

"What if we share Ashton?" Calum suggested, pointing his sleeve covered arm over to me.

"I think that'll be a great idea! What do you think Luke?" Michael looked at the tall boy that actually looked rather short sitting down.

"I'm down," he nodded at them.

"Does no one care about what I have to say!?" I argued not wanting to be part of this but still wanting to.

"Oh, come on, babe, we know you can't resist us. Plus you'd become instantly popular with us," Michael declared giving me an 'I know you want to' look.

"Fine, but if you all end up hating the other because in with them I'm never doing this again!" I gave in, causing the boys to smile an rush over to kiss my face all over and hug me until I couldn't breathe.

"That's our little junior!" They all laughed and I couldn't help but smile.


Few months later...

Ashton's Point of View still...

"Mom!!Im going out with my boyfriends!" I yelled running down the stairs to quickly slip on some shoes.

"Okay! But remember you can only put two dicks up your arse as one down your throat!" She yelled back louder. I cringed at what she said and ran to the door when I heard knocking come from it. Trying to slip I my right shoe, I ran into the door, face-first and fell onto the carpet.

"Ashton, learn not to snog doors and maybe your mouth won't hurt as much as it does," My mum notified me as I rolled onto my back as she opened the door. "Luke, Michael, Calum, Ashton will be with you in a second." I let out a gruff sounding groan and stood up after tying my black vans. "Ashton, you sound like a female get fucked up her vagina! No sex noises when I am present!" My mum yelled, walking back into the living room.

"Let's get out of here," I muttered closing the door behind me, grabbing Luke and Michael's hands.

"Snogging doors? Really Ashton? Really?" I nudged Michael with my shoulder and he just laughed.

"Can you really fit two dicks up your ass at once?" Calum asked and I just stopped in my tracks to look at him, halting the tree of them at the same time. I could feel my face grow crimson red, and not because Summer was hot.

"Oh my god, he can!" Michael exclaimed. I looked down and pulled my hands from theirs grasps and fiddled with my fingers.

"Let's go watch a movie at my place, yeah?" Calum suggested and we all agreed, walking the way to Calum's.

"We'll just see if you can fit my and Michael's dicks up your ass now won't we," Luke whispered huskily into my ear whilst putting his left hand into my back pocket.

"Take Calum's cock down your throat as well, huh?"!Michael added as he slipped his hand in my other backs pocket.

"Well, princess, seems like the movie can wait for a little bit then," Calum announced as we approaches his house. I gulped knowing that this might be a long night.



1k reads and almost 100 votes?! WHEN THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!!!

Thank you guys so much for voting and reading this it means my world!

Alright I this is shitty, I know, I wrote it (lmao) but it's on my phone and it's already 11:20 pm, don't blame me... (Yes blame me)

ANYWAYS! Request what you want



I love you all and thank you so much for sticking around to read the shit that I call writing HAVE A GREAT MORNING/DAY FOR THOSE IN DIFFERENT AREAS, MY LOVELY DARLINGS!!!

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