The Family Friends

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Chapter 5 - Family Friends

This image isn't mine, I found it on Pinterest


It's the weekend after I hung out with Zane for the first time. This weekend my Mum has something planned. We're going to the Zvahl's house so she can see her old friends, and I can talk more to mine. I get ready for our dinner. I do my hair up nice, put on a dress, some cute shoes and a bag. then walk out of my bedroom, to be greeted by my mother.

"Ready to go?" She inquires.

"Yeah, let's go." I respond. We walk down the stairs, go outside and hop in the car.

~~~Time Skip~~~

When we get there, we jump out and walk up to the door. Mum rings the doorbell. There is a fuss inside. The door opens and we see Laurence's father.

"Oh, welcome you two, come in." He invites. We walk inside and I am soon greeted by two old friends running down the stairs.

"(YY/NN)!!!!" Shouts the pair. Laurence leaps and hugs me first. Then after he's done, I get one from Cadenza.

"Oh, (Y/N) I haven't seen you in so long." She says holding my hands looking into my eyes. "I wish I was in some of your classes like Laurence." She complains in her beautiful British accent.

"Haha, that's just what it's like to be the cooler sibling, I get to be in her class!" He boasts.

"Well, you're only in that class because of me. If I hadn't told you to do art, you wouldn't have a class with her." She preaches. Laurence scoffs in response.

"Haha, you two are as funny as always." I comment.

"Glad to hear it!" Laurence responds.

"How about we take you upstairs while we wait for dinner?" Cadenza suggests.

"That sounds wonderful!" I agree. The pair lead me up the stairs to a media area at the top of the stairs connected to the hallway allowing entrance to their rooms, the bathroom and their parents room. We sit on the floor in front of the TV.

"So, how's Phoenix Drop been treating you (Y/N)?" Cadenza inquires.

"Pretty well thanks! I've made plenty of friends!" I grinned.

"*Blergh* You mean Zane???" Laurence interjects.

"Urgh, Laurence leave the girl alone. She can be friends with whoever she wants, so what if you don't like that kid." Cadenza criticized.

"Thanks Cadenza, and he's just one of them!" I explain.

"Tell me your other friends then?" Laurence interrogates.

"FINE, Zane, Aphmau, Katelyn, Lucinda, *cough* not you *cough*, Cadenza and Garroth." I boast.

"Look at you go! You're becoming our social butterfly." Cadenza congratulates.

"URGH, we don't count! But still, good job." He sighs defeated.

"Hehe" Cadenza and I giggle at our tremendous win.

"How have things been going away from your father?" Cadenza asks.

"Cadenza!" Laurence complains like she crossed a line.

"No, it's fine! I'm honestly happy I've been able to escape from him and the stepfamily, sometimes they're ok. But that's a rarity so, really, I'm happy to be away from them." I explain. Cadenza smiles sympathetically.

"I'm glad to hear that (Y/N)! It's good to hear that you feel more comfortable here. Sometimes an escape is what we need to thrive." She says.

~~~Time Skip~~~

A little while later, I'm beginning to get a little hungry from the food smells emanating through the house.

"Kids, Time for dinner!" Their Mum calls from downstairs. We rush down and sit at the table ready to eat. We are each given a plate as we stare at the delicious roast chicken, vegetables and potato bake in front of us. We each fill our plates then dig in.

~~~Time Skip~~~

"Bye (Y/N), I'll have to look around campus for you and I'll hopefully see you next week." Cadenza chimes

"Bye (Y/N), I'll see you in art next week!" Laurence repeated while giving Cadenza an 'I'm so cool' look. I roll my eyes in response then hug the both of them.

"Bye, guys! I'll see you around!" I farewell. Mum and I walk to the car in the dark, then we wave bye to the family as we drive home.


Sorry this one was a bit shorter; the future chapters may vary in length. I just wanted to add something with Laurence and Cadenza

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