Lucinda's Sleepover

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Chapter 17 - Lucinda's Sleepover

This image is not mine I found it on Pinterest


The Summer Holidays just started! I'm excited! I have a sleepover with Lucinda this afternoon before she disappears to witchcraft camp all summer. It'll be so much fun! I get to her house and knock on the door. It opens and she stands in the doorway.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Welcome in!" Lucinda greets.

"Hey, Lucinda! Thanks!" I chime. She speedily ushers me to her room.

"We have plenty of tea to talk about queen. I told you to save it up. NOW SPILL! What was that thing in the Cafeteria with Gene a few weeks ago?" She probes.

"Haha! The tea will be spilt don't worry bestie!" I jest. "Ok, so. It all started in Biology" I continue to tell her what happened "Then Zane yelled from across the cafeteria then saved me, I then cried into his shoulder for like 15 minutes which in retrospect was soooo cute of him!" I gush.

"My Irene, Girl, that sounds nuts! But let's be honest here, you soooo have a thing for Zane now. Not that I approve... But what happened between you two?" She can see right through me.

"Well, you see... Someone hit him in the throat with a volleyball two weeks ago and then his voice changed and ... I don't want to admit it... BUT ITS SO HOT!!!! *Sigh* It was the final piece of the puzzle Lucinda; it made me realise just how much I like him." I admit.

"HAHAH, Oh My Irene. That is just so cute (Y/N)! But I may have some good news, I know who hit him with the volleyball!" She confesses.

"Oh my Irene, who I need to thank them for blessing me!" I rejoice.

"It was Katelyn, we were playing volleyball then a ball went astray and Aph went to pick it up and was like, 'we hit someone, but they were fine!' So, it must have been Zane." She concludes.

"OMI, can we call her I need to thank her!!!" I suggest.

"Of course! I love that idea!" Lucinda pulls out her phone and calls Katelyn. It goes to voicemail... "I probably shouldn't have been the one to try and call her... Your try (Y/N)!" I grab out my phone and call Katelyn, she picks up.

"Hey (Y/N)! What's up?" Katelyn answers.

"She wants to thank you for something!" Lucinda interjects.

"LUCINDA! Are you guys having a sleepover??? Please don't be something dumb or I'm hanging up instantly!" She threats.

"No, no, its interesting trust me Katelyn!" I add.

"Ok, Katelyn so remember the other week when all the girls were playing volleyball with you at lunch, then the volleyball went flying and Aph went to retrieve it?" Lucinda reminds her.

"Y-yeah, what about it?" Katelyn asks suspicious.

"HAHAH!" Lucinda starts laughing.

"Oh My Irene Lucinda stop judging me. Umm but... you got Zane, and it made his voice change and now it's Hot!" I finish. "So, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCHHHHH QUEEN!!!" I scream into the phone.

"HAHAH!" Katelyn starts laughing her head off. "No problem, that's so funny!" She adds. "Enjoy your new crush (Y/N)! I'll let you guys go and enjoy the sleepover!" She ends.

"WAIT! Please don't tell anyone else! Ok?" I say dead serious.

"Haha, don't worry (Y/N), you can trust me. If anything, it would be Lucinda! Who you should be worrying about."

"Heyyy!" Lucinda complains teasingly. I death stare her. "My lips are sealed I promise (Y/N)!" She says.

"Ok, well thanks again, bye Katelyn!" I farewell.

"Bye guys!" Katelyn farewells.

*Beep Beep* the call ends.

"Well, that was fun!" Lucinda finishes.

"Now on a serious note." I relight the flame of conversation and Lucinda looks at me with the most intrigued expression. Only to let her down. "How do I deal with Zane now that I like him?" I ask.

"Urgh, girlie you got me excited! Just do what you always do and be you! No need to be nervous, he's your other bestie after all. So, you have a connection with him in the first place. So, it really shouldn't be hard to continue to be comfortable around him." She explains.

"You're right Lucinda! Thanks!" I praise. "You really do give the best love advice!"

"Awww, thanks! As a witch yourself you should know we always have the best advice!" She smiles. We then spend the rest of the night gossiping, watching movies and eating snacks. I always have so much fun with Lucinda!


I hope you enjoyed the gurls being a bit goofy here! I wanted to express how close she is to Lucinda! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

- Roto L out

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