Mall Day

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Chapter 23 - Mall Day

Image not mine, I found it on Pinterest


It's the weekend, a week after the cafeteria incident. I decided that my wardrobe was a bit lacking, so I've gone to the mall for the day. Maybe also because Mum told me to leave the house because I've been spending too much time inside lately. Zane starting the Jury has put me on edge, I don't know what to do about him anymore. Regardless, I'm here, and I'm here to have fun! My first stop is boba, a nice way to set the mood for a shopping day. I head to the nearest place and order a (favourite boba). I collect it then start my spree. My first stop is Hot Topic. I love their clothes, both the emo ones and the cutesy ones. I make my way to the store, I see the sign, the classic HOT TOPIC in black with all caps. I walk in, see the stands then look at the counter. WAIT! I walk over.

"Hey, Gene." I greet an old enemy. He looks up from the counter and meets my gaze, his face instantly turning sour.

"Urgh, (Y/N). There's no need to humiliate me anymore. Just leave me alone!" Gene complains, shooing me away.

"Hah, the tables have turned I see. Can we just leave that all behind us? You've graduated and I have the memory of a goldfish. So can we move on?" I suggest.

"MOVE ON?! Your Boyfriend threw me on the cafeteria floor! It entirely ruined my reputation!" He explains. Huh, my Boyfriend! I blush.

"He-he's not my boyfriend!" I defend.

"Well by the way you're acting, I would think otherwise." Gene scoffs.

"Regardless, I think we should move on Gene! I love hot topic and I don't need this (I move my hand in his direction) ruining my shopping experience." I jest. He rolls his eyes.

"Well, I don't need this (he copies my gesture but, in my direction,) ruining my work experience." He complains. I glare at him, this guy's an idiot.

"Well then, we could simply just move on. Then no one will be bothered anymore!" I compromise.

"F-fine." He gives in. "Just please! Don't talk to me." He begs. Memories swelling back as his expression sullens. He looks away.

"Uh, Ok... I-" I stop myself. I may have just made things more awkward than they were before. I turn around and decide to shop. I make my way over to the cutesy rack. I take a gander and the adorable cardigans and vests in all sorts of bright and pastel colours; I fall in love with the warm and inviting knits. As I feel a pair of eyes set on me. I shake them off and continue my journey to find my new cozy coat. I see an adorable (favourite colour) cardigan with the cutest (you chose) pattern I grab it off the rack. I place it on my arm. I continue to grab multiple other items, a skirt in (second favourite colour) and some other cute shirts including one with a (favourite anime) print. I take my new clothes to the change room and try them on they're all so cute, just what I like. I exit the change room then head to the counter. I hand Gene my items.

"Just these please, Gene." I request, I look down at the counter as he scans.

"These suit you." He comments.

"Thanks!" I chime dully, I still feel bad for everything.

"Look, (Y/N). I should have said this ages ago, but I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so, shitty last year. I should have been less full on. And I'm really sorry if I creeped you out that day..." He apologises. I look up, he's now the one staring at the counter. Feelings aren't really his thing, they aren't hardcore.

"Th-thanks Gene." I accept. "That's really nice of you."

"Ok, I'm not NICE I just wanted to clear things up." He huffs, scanning the last few items.

"Hehe, I'll be back Gene, we should talk. I feel like we could get along. Without all the last year angst." I suggest. He smiles.

"That, sounds great actually! Anyway, here's your clothes, I'll see you around (Y/N)!" He hands me my clothes; I smile at him.

"See you around Gene!" I chime then head out into the bustling of the mall, away from the calm familiarness of Hot Topic, even with the infiltration of Gene. On to the next step of my journey, lunch. I grip my bag firmly in my hand and head to the food court. Theres so many good options, McRonalds, a Chinese place and a Taco place. I chose the Chinese place. I picked my favourite dish off the menu then found a free table, I sat down and enjoyed my meal. Halfway through the chair in front of me pulls out, someone sits down. I look up.

"Hey! It's my lunch break. I saw you, so I thought I would join you." The familiar guy with the black skull T-shirt chimes.

"Hehe, nice to see you again so soon Gene!" I greet.

"So, how have things been?" He asks, digging into his taco.

"Good! ... I guess..." I doubt.

"I see... you sure?" He inquires.

"Well, Lucinda's got a boyfriend, Zane barely talks to me because of the Jury and now I'm complaining about my life to you. So... yeah. Life's great." I explain sarcastically.

"Ah, I see... high school is hard (Y/N). A lot of things happen. If I could survive it, I know you can. Also, with the way Zane threw me on the floor that day, I doubt he'll be gone for long. If he's anything like me, he'll be running right back to you soon." Gene predicts.

"Thanks!" I chime "I hope that's true. I miss him."

"I'm sure it is, if it isn't he's a fool for abandoning a girl like you." He smiles at me charmingly. I roll my eyes.

"Thanks Gene." I smirk. He laughs at my response.  I finish off my food, it was good, really good!

"So, how's things with you been?" I inquire.

"Yeah, all right! Still talking to Sasha and Zenix, job at my favourite store and no college! I'm a free man doing what he likes!" He boasts.

"Look at you go! I'm happy for you! It's good to hear you've kept in touch with your friends." I gush.

"Thanks (Y/N)!" He thanks, then takes the last bite of his taco. "This has been nice, but I should probably get back to work now." He stands up from his chair, grabs his phone in one hand and taco tray in the other.

"It has!" I stand up and collect my stuff, we go over to the bin and throw our rubbish out.

"Hey, before I head off, maybe, I could get your number?" Gene asks.

"Yeah, of course!" I chime, we exchange numbers.

"Bye, (Y/N)! Maybe I'll see you next time you come to Hot Topic!" He farewells.

"Bye Gene!" I farewell in return. That was nice, he really wasn't that bad. Maybe I should have let him talk to me last year, we might not have had all those troubles. But he was more of a shadow night last year, less of just Gene. I don't know, people are too complicated sometimes. It's too hard to understand what's really going on. It's time for me to get back to my shopping spree, I walk out of the food court, thinking about my little encounter for the rest of the day.


Ooooohhhh! (Y/N) managed to make up with Gene! He's chill now, who would have thought, certainly not (Y/N)! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! And yes, I'm back with two chapters in a day!

- Roto L out

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