Plan Gone Wrong

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Chapter 29 - Plan Gone Wrong


Today I got to school to be greeted by Travis and Dante at the tree again, what a surprise.

"Good morning, guys!" I smile. Even though they're sweet I miss those small boundaries.

"Hey!" They reply. I walk over and sit next to Dante. He throws his arm over my shoulder. I look at him funny and push it off. He looks a little surprised.

"You good Dante? You need to talk about anything? You've been very touchy feely lately..." I point out.

"Ah, no!" He looks down in embarrassment. I lay back on the tree and look over to see the jury standing around a table as usual. I saw a glimpse of Zane looking our way before he whipped his head around to avoid eye contact. Huh, what was that for...

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Travis asks from behind Dante who is now hugging his legs with his head down. I lean out to talk to him.

"What's up Travis?" I inquire.

"Well, you know how you're friends with Katelyn..." He begins.

"Right." I confirm.

"Is there any chance you could give me any tips? On you know... what she likes?" He implies shyly.

"Haha, oh Travis. I think you are the last person Katelyn would want to be inquiring about her taste in men." I state the obvious. She DESPISES Travis, he's always on her case and she can't stand it. All the dumb pick up lines have driven her mad. "Look, Travis, the best thing you could do for Katleyn right now is give her space. Unless you're going to get over those pick up lines any time soon." I suggest.

"Hey, our pickup lines are magical!" Dante defends, suddenly back to top spirit.

"Yeah sure, magic for getting all the girls to run away!" I mock. Both boys look offended. But they get over it, fast.

"But you haven't run away have you?" Dante challenges.

"That's cause neither of you have ever said a single pickup line to me the entire time I've known you!" I defend.

"She's right Dante, maybe we need to stop with the pickup lines. She may have a point." Travis whispers into Dante's ear. Which just makes me smirk.

"No, it's ok Travis. Our pickup lines work perfectly! I know from experience. We just need to find the right girls! Then they work a charm!" Dante assures. *Bring Bring* Time for homeroom. Me and Travis walk to our homeroom.

"Travis." I begin.


"I just want you to know. I don't think you have zero chance with Katelyn. Just give her some time, then maybe she'll realise. Because from what I know of you, I really think you would get on alright!" I smile, even though it may seem like a stretch, it's the truth. I have a feeling that they would work, even just as friends. His face lights up, then turns puzzled.


"Yes really!" I chime. His smile suddenly turns from ear to ear.

"Thanks (Y/N)!" He beams. We then walk into homeroom; I watch him instantly scout out Katelyn. He goes over and starts talking to her. She rolls her eyes. Then glares at me, knowing this sudden curse of Travis's attention would have come from me. I begin to walk over.

But am stopped as someone grabs my hand. I look to see who it is. It's Zane.

"Hey!" He greets. My face flushes. "Y-you forgot to wave today... sorry." He apologises.

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