The Return

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Chapter 31 - The Return


It's Monday. My first Monday back after... my little run in with the Jury. I walk out the door, ready to walk to school. To be greeted by none other than their leader himself. Zane. Standing at the gate.

"Good morning!" He greets.

"Morning!" I chime. I walkover, my ankle healed now. I did end up telling Mum everything that happened. Let's just say she wasn't entirely pleased with me being besties with a gang leader. But she was just glad Zane came to my rescue.

"You ready for your first day back?" He asks.

"Of course! I've prepared myself for rounds of questions all weekend! Even though I've answered so many already." I explain. We begin to walk.

"Heh, makes sense. Everyone seemed so worried about you!" He says.

"I can't wait to get all their signatures on my cast!" I express.

"I can't wait to see them all." He smiles.

~~~Time Skip~~~

We enter the school gate, then walk up to the patio near the school entrance. I'm spotted. I feel the prying eyes of the Jury and all my friends watching me closely. Zane senses it too.

"What do you want to do about your audience?" He asks.

"I-I'm unsure..." I begin. Before I get to make a decision. Aph runs up to me.

"(Y/N)!!" Aph squeals. She runs up and hugs me.

"Hey, Aph!" I chime. We break from the hug. She looks at me.

"My Irene, you got a bit more dinged up then I thought!" She observes.

"She's looking better then she did on the day of..." Zane pipes up. Aph sees him, she looks at him a little shocked, like she didn't even notice he was there.

"Ah, I-I can imagine..." She stutters.

"I should probably meet the Jury..." Zane begins. He turns to me. "I'll see you later (Y/N)!" He smiles from under his mask.

"See you later!" I chime. He then walks off.

"D-did he walk you to school?" Aph asks, whispering to me.

"Yes... He did." I answer. Her eyes light up.

"Hehe, he so likes you." She gives me a goofy little smile.

"Oh my Irene Aph. Let's just go and say hi to everyone else." I suggest, walking to our group of friends, who have all come together in a small group, to closely observe me. "Hi everyone!" I chime.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" They all yell. They run up to me and I'm stuck in the middle of a group hug.

"OMI, I'm so glad you're ok!" Katelyn cheers.

"I'm so glad you're ok! If anything like this happens again, I'm killing Zane!" Laurence rambles.

"Kawaii~Chan is really happy to know (Y/N)~Chan is ok!" Kawaii~Chan chimes.

"I'm glad I don't need to try any revival magic on you!" Lucinda sighs with relief.

"You're alive!" Dante yells.

"Of course she is dummy!" Travis scolds.

"It's good to see you're safe!" Teony cheers.

"I'm glad to see you're alright (Y/N)! What happened is terrible!" Vylad expresses.

"You're ok!" Garroth exclaims. "*cough* even though I already knew from Zane *cough*"

"OMI, Garroth's right! We need to know what happened with Zane!" Lucinda yells. Everyone breaks from the hug.

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