The Park Bench

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Chapter 6 - The Park Bench

This picture isn't mine I found it on google


It's a Thursday afternoon. I've just left witchcraft with Katelyn, Lucinda and Aphmau.

"HAHA, that was so much fun!" Katelyn guffaws.

"What? You mean the part where Aphmau put the wrong ingredients into the vile then it exploded in her face? Because I will admit that was pretty funny." Lucinda agrees.

"Hey! It wasn't funny for me! Do I still smell like frog poo?" Aphmau complains. I sniff in her area.

"Blergh, Yep! That uniform needs to be washed, in bleach!" I jest.

"Haha" We all laugh until we get to the front entrance then go our separate ways. Mine leads me to Zane, who is waiting patiently at our new spot since the shadow nights stole our tree. The new spot is under another tree which is just a bit further around the corner of the school's entrance.

"Here you are!" He chimes. He swiftly gets up from under the tree and walks to my side. "I've planned a detour for us today" He beams.

"Oooo, really? I'm excited!" I trill. He chuckles then he leads the way.

~~~Time Skip~~~

We enter the park. He, leads me down the path to a bench with a view of a small stream that is framed by trees. He sits down and gestures for me to sit next to him.

"This is nice Zane." I praise.

"Thanks, I found this spot when Garroth told me to go outside so I went for a walk to the park and found this bench. I thought I would show you!" He admits. "I also brought some snacks for us to share!" He gushed as he pulled a plastic bag filled with cookies out of his bag.

"YUM! You know me so well Zane!" I thank. He grabs a cookie then passes me the bag; I grab on then place them in between us. We sit there munching on cookies while listening to the breeze, rustling leaves and the rushing river. "This is relaxing" I express.

"That's exactly why I wanted to bring you here. I know you see the good in things so I knew you would appreciate this spot as much as I do." He agrees. It's getting late, and we get our stuff together.

"Thanks Zane! This was just what I needed with exams coming up. Bring me here again, ok?" I request.

"Of course I will! And feel free to visit it whenever if you just need to relax." He adds. We then walk back home. He drops me off first.

"I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)!" He chimes from my front gate as his silhouette is painted in the pinks and oranges of the sunset.

"See you tomorrow Zane!" I chime back as he begins the walk to his house.


Sorry for another shorter chapter. I hope you enjoyed learning about their little spot in the park! I wanted to add something cute, a little place for them.

Also, Thank you so much for 40 readers!!!! You won't believe how much joy it brings me to see another person has read my little story, it's so very kind of you and I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the story to come!

- Roto L out

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