The Movies

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Chapter 26 - The Movies

I roll around in my bed, over and over again. Fine, it's time for me to get up. I check the time, it's 9am. I get up, get changed then head downstairs. I make myself some breakfast, then check my phone. I open my messages, there's one from Zane.

Z – See you at 1!

I decide to reply.

Y – See you then! Can't wait to see Garroth's driving skills lol!

During the week we fleshed out the plan. Have a small lunch before we go, meet at his house then Garroth will drive us to the cinema. Where we will watch the movie, with snacks, then get ice-cream afterwards. I've made sure I have enough money for everything. It's going to be so much fun! I finish my breakfast then I retreat to my room.

~~~Time Skip~~~

It's midday, it's almost time for the movie. I change into my clothes, do my hair nice, put on some perfume, grab my bag then run down the stairs. I put my shoes on its 12:50 perfect timing. I walk out of the house and down the street. I walk until I see their house, the grey house I'm used to. The Ro'meave house. I see Garroth's car in the driveway. I walk up to the front door and knock. Before long Zane comes to the door. In a black jacket, skull shirt, grey jeans, and converse.

"Hey!" He cheers!

"Hey!" I chime. He looks at my outfit.

"Y-your hair is nice today." He compliments, with his head facing the floor.

"Th-thanks Zane!" I feel my cheeks go pink. I hear some large thumps from inside.

"I'm coming baby bro!" Broadcasts Garroth from inside. He runs to the door, grabs his shoes then rushes to put them on. Zane comes out the door to stand next to me while we wait for Garroth. He jumps up. "I'm ready! Are you two ready for your movie?" He asks so cheerily it makes me forget about the scared and worried Garroth last term. Garroth is wearing jeans, a white shirt and his school jersey.

"Yeah! I'm ready!" I beam.

"Urgh, hurry up Garroth or you'll make us late!" Zane complains.

"Ok, ok, let's go!" He jumps over to the car and slides in behind the wheel. He's way too happy, it just makes me want to laugh. I know he must be happy we're friends again. He probably thinks this will be a step in the right direction for Zane, I sure hope the same thing but I'm really not sure how easy it will be to change his mind about all this gang business. Zane and I jump into the back of the car, we buckle our seatbelts. Garroth turns on the radio and we begin the drive to the cinema.

"What's your favourite movie snack (Y/N)?" Zane inquires.

"My favourite movie snack has got to be (fav movie snack)" I share.

"Good choice!" He praises.

"What's yours?" I ask.

"Heh, you know the answer to that question (Y/N)." Zane hints. He is too embarrassed to say it in front of Garroth, but its cupcakes with pink frosting. Just like the answer to any food related question you throw his way, except for his least favourite food.

"Aww, don't go getting too lovey dovey in the back of my car!" Garroth jeers from the front. I instantly go red.

"THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR MIND GARROTH!" Zane screams from the seat beside me. His face is beet red too. We look at each other then look away. We spend the rest of the ride in silence, looking out the window.

~~~Time Skip~~~

"We're here!" Garroth cheers from the front.

"Thank Irene!" Zane heaves, he hops out of the car then waits for me.

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