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Chapter 28 - Dante

It's been 2 weeks since me and Dante became friends! It's been really fun. He's funny, sweet and just fun to hang around. I walk in the school entrance, then to the tree. There I see Dante and Travis.

"Good morning (Y/N)!" Dante calls.

"Hey, Dante!" I smile.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Travis cheers.

"Hi Travis!" I chime. The two boys join me at the tree some mornings. Dante saw me sitting by myself one morning and they insisted, so now I've just accepted my fate. I sit down next to Dante. "So, what do you guys have this morning?" I inquire.

"I've got English with you!" Dante says, pointing finger guns my way. Travis leans out from the tree so he can see me.

"I've got drama." He responds.

"That sounds like fun!" I chime.

"Yeah! It's good! I'm looking forward to our assignment, we get to do a scene from Romeo and Juliet!" He blabbers.

"Oooh! I hope you do well!" I cheer.

"Thanks!" He smiles. He sits back against the tree, I do the same.

"So, you got any plans this weekend?" Dante asks.

"Ah, no I don't actually." I share.

"Would you maybe want to hang out with me?" He asks.

"Sure!" I chime. This should be fun. He smiles at me.

"How about we go bowling?" He suggests.

"Yeah! That sounds like fun!" I agree.

"Perfect!" He cheers. *Bring Bring* Time for homeroom. Travis and I head inside, then get to homeroom. I wave to Zane as I go over to sit with the girls.

"Hey!" I chime.

"Good morning (Y/N)" They reply.

"So, things with Dante have been going well?" Katelyn probes.

"Yeah! Him and Travis are fun, when they aren't trying to get girls." I admit.

"Hey! I heard that!" Travis calls from the row in front of us.

"Pfft, It's the truth!" I call back. "Anyway, Dante asked me to go bowling with him this weekend! So that should be fun!" I cheer.

"Oooh! That sounds like fun! I hope he doesn't try anything on you!" Katelyn adds.

"Hey! I don't think he sees me like that. If he wanted to hit on me, I'm sure he would have at least attempted by now!" I explain.

"Fair point, but you never know with those types of guys. He could just be playing the long game." She points out.

"Urghhh, fair point!" I grunt. "I'll never know! It's annoying because Dante's cool. I wouldn't date him in a million years, but he's a good friend." I explain.

"I know (Y/N). It's just the sacrifice you make when you make friends with guys!" She points out.

"Good point..." I start to think... what about any of my other guy friends. EW NO PLEASE TELL ME LAURENCE DOESN'T LIKE ME!

"Don't think too hard about it though!" She adds.

"Too late" I interject, I'm already grimacing.

"Haha! That's why I live my life practically male free!" She jeers.

"Hey, what about me baby?" Travis asks, turning around in his chair.

"OMI! Travis, just leave me alone! I hope you weren't listening to our conversation you creep!" Katelyn yells.

His Best Friend - Pheonix Drop High - (Zane Ro'Meave X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now