Nail Buddies

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Chapter 11 - Nail Buddies

Another song that reminds me of Zane. I hope you enjoy! Image isn't mine.


I return home from school with a plan. Zane wasn't called out for his nails all day. It's my turn. I dig into the depts of my Mum's wardrobe to find it.

"YES!" I rejoice. I found it! My mums box filled with everything from her emo phase in high school and right on top is just what I wanted, the black nail polish. I run downstairs to put it on. Zane's going to freak out when he sees we're matching.

~~~Time Skip~~~

*Beep Beep Beep* urgh... I don't want to get up. I rub my eyes then see my nails. I get excited. I really want to see his expression when he sees were matching. I jump out of bed and get ready.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I walk up to the Ro'meave house, quite giddy. Garroth comes out first.

"Hey (Y/N), how you feeling about the new term?" Garroth asks.

"Hi Garroth, I really don't want work to ramp up again, but I enjoy seeing everyone everyday so that's a bonus." I inform.

"Haha, that's a good way to go about it. I'll walk ahead so Zane doesn't get mad at me, see you in art!" Garroth farewells. I continue to wait at the gate. Then suddenly, here he is.

"Bye, Mum." He farewells on his way out the door. He then turns around to see me. Then walks over.

"Good morning (Y/N)!" He chimes.

"Good morning Zane! You notice anything different?" I quiz, I then stand there trying to be inconspicuous and make sure my nails are in a position he can see. He looks me up and down, a little confused until he sees my hands. He grabs one.

"Y-you painted your nails black?!" He guesses.

"Yes! I wanted to twin with you!" I cheer.

"Haha, you're so funny (Y/N). I like it though. It's cool." He admits.

"See?! It's super fun!" I gush. "Now let's get to school, nail buddy!" I exclaim. He laughs, then we continue down the path to school.


Sorry for all of the shorter chapters lately, I promise there will be some longer ones soon! I hope you love their twinning nails as much as I do!

- Roto L out

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