Left Alone

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Chapter 20 - Left Alone

This image is not mine, I found it on Pinterest


It's Thursday of the third week of school. This time last week was the last time I walked to and from school with Zane. I guess he did move on. I'm sitting under the tree by myself. As I do nowadays. It feels odd still, I'm not used to being alone in Pheonix drop, maybe back in (Old town), but not here. I know I have everyone else. But without Zane, something feels missing.

*Bring Bring* Time for homeroom. I walk past the shadow nights on my way to the entrance. They seem entirely unbothered by the bell. I head to homeroom, when I get there, I sit myself between Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan, Aph is sitting on the other side of Katelyn.

"Good morning!" I cheer to the group.

"Good morning (Y/N)!" They cheer back.

"Hey, (Y/N)! What's your thoughts on this Ivan guy?" Katelyn asks.

"I don't think he's too bad, he seems nice!" I chime.

"But he takes up too much of Lucinda~Sama's time!!!" Kawaii~Chan complains.

"Well, that's what happens when you get a boyfriend Kawaii~Chan, you want to spend all of your time with them." I explain.

"Kawaii~Chan understands. But she just wants to hang out with Lucinda~Sama again, Without Ivan~Kun!" She elaborates.

"I get it Kawaii~Chan, she basically ignores (Y/N) and I in witchcraft class because she's just talking to Ivan the entire time." Aphmau adds.

"I get that we miss Lucinda guys, but we need to respect her decisions in getting a boyfriend. If he breaks up with her then we can be annoyed with him though!" I compromise.

"Oh, if he breaks up with her, I'm kicking his ass!" Katelyn exclaims, jumping up from her chair punching her hand.

"Language Katelyn!" Reminds our homeroom teacher from the front of the classroom.

"Sorry sir." She apologises, then returns to her chair. We all giggle at Katelyn's embarrassment. "It's Not Funny Guys!" She yells at us. *Bring Bring* It's time for class. I realise Zane never showed up for homeroom. Huh, he's skipping... I should ignore him. We all pack up our stuff and head to our classes, I have English with Katelyn, so we walk together.

"(Y/N)? Are you all right? I know you put on an act with the gurls but when we are in class you go quiet and sad. Is it because of Zane?" Katelyn asks. Aw shit, she's noticed. "I-I know you would probably rather talk about this with Lucinda but by the seems of things she's been too busy with Ivan to even notice you separating from Zane." She adds. She's right, Lucinda hasn't even noticed.

"I-I'm ok, *sigh* it's just hard becoming distant from such a close friend is all." I sigh. We enter the classroom and sit in our seats.

"Yeah, it's hard. But I'll be here for you." She acknowledges.

"Thanks Katelyn!" I smile. "I really appreciate it!" I add.

"It's all right, it's what friends are for!" She ends. The teacher walks in, then a boring English lesson begins.

~~~Time Skip~~~

*Bring Bring* Time for lunch. We pack up and head to the table, at lunch the group consists of Tiani, Katelyn, Nichol, Kawaii~Chan, Lucinda, Ivan and I. On one side of the bench is Lucinda, Ivan and Tiani. While on the other side is Kawaii~Chan, Me, Katelyn and Nichol. Me and Katelyn sit down and she instantly starts talking to Nichol.

"Hey, (Y/N)! How was English?" Tiani asks.

"It was boring as usual; it was chill with Katelyn though." I share.

"You on top of all your assignments? If you need help with anything never hesitate to ask!" She quizzes.

"Yeah, I'm on top of everything, thanks though, I really appreciate it!" I praise. She smiles back at me. Kawaii~Chan comes and sits down.

"Kawaii~Chan is so excited to try this cake!" Kawaii~Chan exclaims. She is holding a cafeteria tray that holds one item, a slice of cake, it must be new to the menu. Kawaii~Chan knows the cafeteria sweet selection off by heart.

"Ooo. Is it a new one Kawaii~Chan?" I inquire.

"Yes! It's Kawaii~Chan's favourite type of cake, a strawberry and cream sponge cake!" Kawaii~Chan beams. She takes her spoon and delicately grabs the end of the cake, she then eats it, we wait for a decision. Her ears instantly perk up and her eyes sparkle. "Kawaii~Chan is in love~! Her cake is delicious!" She squeals. We all giggle as she digs into her cake enthusiastically. She finishes and beams at us. "Kawaii~Chan has a new favourite cafeteria sweet!" She chimes.

*Bring Bring* It's time for art. I'm happy I don't have Biology today, otherwise I would be sitting by myself.

~~~Time Skip~~~

When I get to art, I'm greeted by Garroth, Laurence and Aphmau.

"Hey (Y/N)!" They all cheer. I go over to them and sit next to Laurence.

"How was lunch?" He asks.

"It was good, Kawaii~Chan has officially found her new favourite sweet from the cafeteria." I chime.

"Ohhhh, so that explains the racket I heard at lunch. So much squealing!" He jests. I roll my eyes. "Anyway, how is your sculpture going?" He inquires.

"It's going well!" I respond.

"That's good to hear, mines a mess, as usual." He sighs.

"Oh, surely it's not that bad." I contend. He proceeds to point at a melted looking blob of clay behind us. "Ahh, I see." I note.

"Show me yours (Y/N)!" He begs. I point to a sculpture on the other side of the classroom, it's a bust, one side is a happy character with the other side a hollowed looking crying version of the character.

"Oh, WOW (Y/N)! That's amazing!" He cheers.

"Aww, thanks Laurence. It's not done yet; I still have plenty to do!" I explain.

"Regardless. It looks amazing!" He smiles. The teacher comes in and we all head off to our stations to work on our sculptures. I listen to (Favourite band) as I work away. I channel my feelings into the piece. It slowly comes to life until I almost feel like I'm looking in a mirror. A cracked one.

*Bring Bring* Classes are over for the day. I farewell my friends, but Garroth walks out with me.

"Hey, (Y/N) did you see Zane today?" He asks concerned.

"Uhh, no Garroth. I haven't seen him today; I think he might have skipped." I reveal.

"*Sigh* This is his first time skipping. I should have known; he's pierced his ears recently so I knew it would happen at some point." He sighs, he seems just as sad and worried as I am. He looks at the floor. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"T-this is what he wants Garroth. I know it's hard, but it feels wrong telling him what to do." I mumble.

"I-I know but I want to help fix him. I know you're good at that, but now that he isn't really talking to you as much, I don't know what to do." He explains.

"I feel like the best thing we can do is let him change in his own time." I express.

"*Sigh* How about we walk home together today?" Garroth suggests.

"That sounds great Garroth." I agree. We then walk home.


Oh No! (Y/N)'s connection with Zane is slipping! What's going to happen! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I also want to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 150 READS OMI!! Every new read brightens my day so thank you all so much for reading my story! I hope you're all enjoying it just as much as I enjoy writing it!

- Roto L out

His Best Friend - Pheonix Drop High - (Zane Ro'Meave X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now