The Holidays Begin

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Chapter 8 - The Holidays Begin

Image not mine, I found it on google.


It's the first week of the first holidays of our freshman year and I'm sitting in dread on the couch waiting to be picked up by my dad. I really don't want to go. I get up and pace.

"Stop that (Y/N). I know you don't want to go. But soon you'll be confident and old enough to just say no but for now you have to go." My mum says from the kitchen, dreading his arrival just as much as I am. I sit back down. He arrives, he's here, oh no, please go. He comes up and knocks on the door.

"Coming!" I cheer towards the door as I rush over to Mum for a goodbye hug. I then open the door to see him standing there.

"Hi (Y/N), Hi (Mums name)." He chimes so unbearably cheerily. "You excited to go to (Old town) (Y/N)?" He inquiries.

"Yep!" I respond.

"Let's go then!" He helps me load my bags into the car then I'm whisked away, back to the stepfamily, back to the torture. "Why... why do I always have to come back to this." I think as I feel the dead pan persona take me over. I can't show emotions here, no matter how hard I try, it's like they just disappear.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Before I know it we arrive and the torture begins. The terrible food, the terrible morals, the terrible hygiene. Its all terrible. I just want to go home. I open my phone looking for a distraction and see some messages.

Z – Hey! How's the drive?

Zane, of course.

Y – It was ok, we're here now.

He responds immediately.

Z – At least you're safe. Tell me if anything happens... Ok?

Y – Will do, don't worry. I'll be fine. Just not pleased to be here with these people is all.

Z – You'll make it! I believe in you!

Y – Haha, I know you do. Talk later Ok? Bye!

Z – Bye!


Sorry if this is a bit boring, and really short. I wasn't sure if I should add it but it leads to cuteness. You'll see next chapter! I also just felt like I needed to address (Y/N)'s family situation.

- Roto L out

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