Chapter One - Soc's and Greasers

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After the whole incident with Sam, Johnny, and Ponyboy, the greasers were all on edge. Things had been getting tougher and heavier between the two gangs. Fights were picked nearly every day. Insults and slurs thrown just as regular as a simple "hello".

Most of the fights happened at school. Only a couple of the greasers were able to come here. There was Dean, Sam, Benny, Sodapop, and Ponyboy. Johnny's folks couldn't afford it, and Darry had already graduated. Dally just didn't give two shits about an education, he preferred huddling money in the pool houses.

It was a Monday, one of the worst days ever to exist in Dean's opinion, as he rolled up into the school parking lot. Sam was sat beside him in the passenger seat, rubbing his sweaty palms onto his jeans and looking around nervously.

"Hey, Sammy." Dean called sensing something was wrong. His younger brother looked over at him, eyes quickly darting around. "You ain't got nothing to worry about. You know I won't let those piece of shit Soc's lay a hand on you."

Sam just looks down right away, eyes focusing on the glove compartment as if it's the most fascinating thing in the world.

"I-I know, Dean. But have no idea how close we came. They hit Pony. They hit him good. What if they target me here at school?" He says, voice slightly shaky. "And you know what they did to Johnny before. What if I'm next?"

Dean put one of his hands and his younger brother's shoulder. "I told you, Sam. You have nothing to worry about. Those assholes even look at you the wrong way, and I'll beat them into next week. Alright? Plus all three of you can take a hit, you grew up with all of us nutters." Sam nods with confirmation and smiles slightly. "Good. Now get the hell out of my car and into class. I'm going to hang outside for a while and bum a smoke with Benny."

"Can't I have one?" Sam pleaded.

"Get lost."

Once the two boys are out of the car, they go their separate ways. Dean finds Benny and Sodapop hanging outside of the school, cigarettes dangling from their mouths. Benny's too busy whistling at girls, and Sodapop is just staring a the ground. Dean figures it must be a bad day for Soda, considering he never smokes unless something is wrong. He wondered what was up but decided not to press the matter, soda was a quiet and inward guy, dean didn't wanna push him.

"Hey, greeeeaserrrs!" Dean calls out jokingly. He walks over to them, hands shoved into the pockets of his leather jacket. Benny laughs and tosses him the pack of cigarettes. He pulls out his lighter and lights up the cigarette, taking a deep inhale of smoke and breathing it out.

"What's shakin', brotha?" Benny asks, pulling Dean in for a quick hug and back pat. Dean shrugs and starts to talk, when there's a loud screech of tires on the street and the annoying voices of the white trash that go to this school.

"Look alive, boys." Dean starts, slipping his hand in his back pocket, fingers gripping the hilt of his switchblade. His ass would be handed to him if any teachers, or even his dad, found out he carried a switchblade to school everyday. But he needed it. Especially now with the ongoing fights between the two groups of people.

The Soc's rolled up in their Mustangs and Corvettes, music streaming through the windows. Near the teachers and adults, they were perfect little angels. Never blamed for a damn thing that they do. The blame was always thrown onto the Greasers.

The Soc's have certainly cooled down, lately. That's for certain. But the tension has never been higher. The greasers are tired of the shit they have to deal with in their lives; Soc's make it worse.

All of the rich kids get out of the car, laughing about god knows what. There's a boy in the front, standing next to Bob and Randy.

Dean's eyes widen. "God damn. Who's that hot piece of ass?" Dean mutters to Sodapop. He pulls his cigarette out of his mouth for a second, blowing out smoke, before placing it back in between his lips.

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