Chapter Eighteen - Confrontation

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"You son of a bitch." Everyone gasped when Castiel pushed Michael with all I his force, knocking him down to the ground. "You don't have control over me! You will never have control over me again! What I do is absolutely none of your business."

"Cas-" Michael muttered darkly but Cas butted in before Michael could say another word.

"No! You are nothing to me! You wanted me to be exactly like you, to lead the fucking Soc's into a war with the greasers! How much more pathetic can you even get? This isn't a fucking gang war! We all live in the Sam fuckîng town and each and every one of us is too afraid to go to the wrong end of town. Each and every one of us is too afraid to go out after dark and for what?!

Because of some stupid higher and lower class war that doesn't even make sense anymore! You, all of you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and realise that the people you are fighting are no different from yourselves. Sure, one may have more money than the other but we all live in this shitty little town and go to the same shitty little school. We all go to the drive-thru movies with a date and have a quick make out session. We all enjoy smoking or going to the pub for a game of pool. We are not that different and if you all can't see that then maybe you need to have your eyes checked because if you look to the person you have just been fighting, you will see that each and every one of them has their own problems."

Cas took a breather but carrier on either way.

"Dallas, Rob, you think you two are different? Both of your fathers are scum bags and both of you go out every single night just to get away from the fighting of your parents. Soda, Gabriel and Balthazar. All three of you are the middle child and are always caught in the middle of a younger and older brother fight. Dean and Bob aren't so different because all they care about is protecting their little brother from their alcoholic fathers. 

If everyone of you realised this and did something to stop the fighting, maybe then we can actually focus on making this town not as shitty as it always has been. We could clean up the streets and learn things in school without having someone whispering over our shoulder that so and so said this. You all need to leave the bitching to the girls because right now, the girls on both sides are one hundred times better and more accepting then just one of you put together. You don't see my sister and one of the east end girls clawing at each other! They're on the same cheer-leading squad and work together every single fucking day to cheer on the football team."

"You saying we should join the cheer-leading squad? Bit gay." Bob snickered and Cas gave him the most venomous look that would even stop Medusa in her tracks.

"You can do whatever the fuck you want but if you all just get along for once, at least you will be able to do the stuff you want without having people shout or mock you for doing what you love." Cas snapped and had to stop to control his anger as he looked around at the group of people all staring at him in shock and wonder.

"Crowley has a mum and a dad who both came from different ends of this town. Look at him, he wasn't ever affected by the fights between greasers and Soc's because he is both. And he turned out absolutely fine! He is best friends with dean and respected by the Soc's. If everyone could treat everyone else how you treat Crowley then imagine how much better all of your lives would be!"

Cas went silent, looking everyone dead in the eyes and all of them tried to avoid his meaningful gaze. Without another word, everyone watched him as he turned around and knelt down on the ground beside Dean, putting his hand to his cheek.

"Dean?" Cas croaks out and moves his hand to the back of Dean's head. There he felt a warm liquid substance pouring from the back of his head and when Cas brough his hand from underneath Dean, he looked at it and found it soaked in Dean's blood. Cas sobbed and cupped Dean's face again. "Dean please wake up."

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