Chapter Twenty - Sorry

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Cas stopped in his tracks when he saw deans lips on Dally's. He didn't know what to do with himself, so he just stood there and stared. When they finally parted from one another, Dean's eyes flickered to Cas in the doorway and he finally turned his whole head to look his way.

Dean's face flashed with a mixture of emotions. Pain, regret, love, anger, sorrow. Cas didn't know which one to take to heart so he just turned around and ran.

"Cas!" He heard Dean's cracked voice call out for him but he didn't stop. He was too hurt by what he had just seen and was too upset to do anything about it. So he went home. Back to Michael, Gabriel, Balthazar and little Anna. Back to his parents that were never there. No one, not even Michael, could hurt Cas more than the way he was already feeling that very moment.

As soon as he got into his house and walked into the kitchen, tear streaks down his face, Michael immediately latched on to him. He grabbed Castiel's shoulders and pushed him up against the wall but Cas was too weak and emotional to fight back. Instead he just stared blankly back at Michael.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Michael spat out, making Cas flinch slightly. "Trying to run away with a greaser? A guy?! Trying to take my brothers and sister away from this family? Are you insane?!"

"Anything and anywhere is better than here under your complete control." Cas replies back blankly showing no emotion to his older brother. Michael lets his go, slamming him into the wall one more time before doing so. Cas grunts slightly and grimaces up at Michael who kicks a chair in anger.

"I could kill you right now!" He shouted. "But that would just be too easy wouldn't it. Besides if i did that, mom and dad obviously wouldn't be very happy with me. But you know, i've killed a greaser before... i wouldn't mind doing it again. I'm going to kill your filthy little greaser boyfriend and make you wish that you had never grown feelings for him in the first place."

Cas didn't say anything in reply. He just turned his back on Michael and walked out of the kitchen slowly, looking over at his younger brothers and sister. He looked at them sadly for a moment, them looking back with exactly the same expression before he turned on them as well and walked back up the stairs.

It was a few days later before Dean finally got released from hospital and was forced to go back to school. Cas first saw Dean back the lockers but turned around and walked the opposite way before Dean could even see him. 

Later that day, it had gone around the whole school what Cas had done, how he was about to run away with a greaser, with a guy, nobody was talking to him. He ended up spending the whole of his lunch hour in the bathroom. Sitting in one of the cubicles with his knees up to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. 

He had no friends, his family now hated him and now Dean had left him too. He wished he had never fallen for that damn greaser in the first place and just kept his feelings towards him mutual so he wouldn't have to deal with shit like this anymore. But it was too late.

Cas may have wished that he never fell in love with Dean but at the same time he never regretted a thing either. 

As he sat on the toilet seat and stared at the door in front of him, letting his thoughts take over his whole body, he snapped out of it when he heard the bathroom door open and someone walk in. He made no noise and hoped the boy would leave soon, he didn't want to leave at the end of lunch to find anyone still there.

"Cas, you in here?" It was Dean's voice and Cas gritted his teeth and frowned towards the closed door of his cubicle. "Cas?"

"What?" He snapped and he heard Dean spin around to see which cubicle he was in. "What do you want?"

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