Chapter Eight - Perfect Yet Slightly Dysfunctional

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Dean felt like he was living in a dream the day after the date. He couldn't believe it had actually happened. He felt happier somehow and while he was working on the Sunday afternoon, he didn't ask for a cigarette break from Bobby once apart for when he went out for one on his break.

However when school came back around on Monday morning it seemed like time had yet reversed itself. Greasers and Soc's were once again at battle with one another in the hallways and the parking lot. Dean sighed as he walked through the hallways, ignoring the jests from the Soc's in his year about his father and his late night antics.

Dean saw Cas three times that day. The first was in his first lesson, he was sitting on a table talking to his friends and laughing loudly. Dean savoured the sounds that that came from the boys pink mouth and smiled to himself. He sat down in his regular seat in class and stared at Castiel for the whole time. What aggravated the greaser however was that Cas completely turned a blind eye to dean, ignoring his existence all together.

The second time dean saw him that day was at lunchtime. Dean sat on a lunch table with his friends, glancing over at the table of popular socials. Castiel was in between Bob and some girl with long blonde hair who was stroking castiels arm lightly. Dean didn't like the look of that but there was nothing really he could do about it. Again, it seemed like Castiel didn't even realise Dean was there.

The third and last time Dean saw him that day was on his way home. He decided to take a detour to an ice cream parlour in the rain with sammy.

"This doesn't make sense, dean. It's pouring it down! Why would I want ice cream?" Sam exclaimed staring miserably out of the car window. Dean didn't really care about the rain or the ice cream, the real reason for his detour what him just hoping he could catch a glimpse of Castiel walking home.

Dean knew he would be walking rather than driving because the Novak kid had told him he prefers walking to school and back. Bet he regretted not bringing his car on a rainy day like today however.

Dean drove keeping his eyes peeled towards the paths just to see if he could see Cas. Luck was starting to turn when dean just happened to see Castiel huddled underneath a bus stop, arms wrapped around himself tightly. Dean slowed down and told Sam to get in the back.

"Why?" Sam snapped back moodily and Dean grabs his shirt and pushes him out of the door. He gets into the back with a huff and he stops the car fully at the bus stop.

"What are you doing?" Sam hissed as Dean opens the passenger seat window. Sam glared at cas through the open window and Castiel looked back in confusion.

"Need a ride?" Dean asks cas, completely ignoring sammy. Sam looked at me in shock and growled slightly under his breath.

"A-are you sure?" Cas replied, eyeing Sams hateful glare before looking back at Dean worriedly.

"Don't worry about him-" dean snickered, nodding his head towards his little brother. "He's just not as keen of socials as I am." Dean grinned and winked at Castiel who blushed lightly and took another glance at Sam.

"Dean-" Sam strained but it was too late, cas slid into the front seat with a thankful smile towards dean before dean started driving towards castiels street. They didn't not daren't say a word to each other on the presence of Sam but they seemed to know what each other was thinking as they were both thinking the same thing.

When will we get the chance to see each other again?


"What the hell was that!?" Sam shouted as soon as dean and sam finally got home. Dean only shrugged and went straight to the fridge that had an electrical problem so sometimes didn't exactly chill food. "We didn't even get ice cream!"

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