Chapter Ten - No Place Like Home

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"What am I doing here?! I live here, you little fucking shit! What the hell is he doing here?" Michael spat and pointed at Dean who, as soon as he found out it was the Michael, sat rigid and as far away from Cas as possible.

"N-nothing! We were just working on a school project!" Castiel's voice trembled as the vein on Michael's head only got bigger the angrier he got.

"Does the project have something to do with what is inside a dirty greasers mouth?" Michael growled, and Dean clenched his hands and grit his teeth together angrily.

"He came onto me!" Cas said so quickly making Dean's head snap towards him, his mouth and eyes opening wide in surprise. Cas didn't even glance back at him.

"Is that true?" Michael snarled at Dean, who still looked at Cas shocked. Finally, Dean looked back at Michael, his insides hurting like hell at Castiel's betrayal before nodding his head once. He had never seen anyone move as fast as Michael did then. Michael stepped forward and grabbed Dean by the t-shirt, pushing him up against the far side of the wall.

Dean grunted as Michael pushed him against the wall roughly, his head knocking back against hard surface. Cas stood up quickly and tried tearing Michael's hands away from Dean's shirt, but he was unmoveable.

"If you ever," hissed Michael right into deans face. "I mean ever touch my little brother again, you and your whole little gang of dirty rags will wish you had never been born."

Dean whimpered, after all he was a lot younger and slightly smaller than the rough, sharp-edged Michael who had spent the whole of his life fighting greasers just like him. Dean nodded his head quickly, falling to the floor as soon as Michael let him go. He scampered up and ran out of the bedroom door and house altogether, without a backwards look towards Castiel.

Dean sped into his car and started the ignition and drove all the way home before he could really process what had just happened; Michael had caught them trying to go at it, Cas had blamed it on Dean saying that Dean came onto him, Michael nearly beat him up. CAS HAD BLAMED IT ON DEAN SAYING THAT DEAN HAD COME ONTO HIM!

Dean was absolutely beside himself as the bought process ran through his head over and over again. How could Cas do this to him? How could he just blame it all on Dean without a second thought of what Michael might do to him. How could Cas just betray him like that?!

Dean stayed in his room for the rest of the day and evening. His room which was old and dirty and didn't even have a proper bed, it was just an old mattress laid across the floor. Dean had written over most of the walls with an old marker pen, things like "James Dean" with a heart around it, (What? Dean had a huge crush on James Dean!) and "down with the socials."

He looked at where he had scratched 'Novak' into the wall as ran his hand across the rough surface. It was just a stupid high school crush, he didn't even know why he was so upset about Castiel blaming everything on Dean. Of course he was going to do that. Cas didn't really like him, he was just with him because...

But Dean couldn't think of a reason why Cas would be with him. It wasn't for sex, because they haven't even had it. Maybe it was just a rebellious stage that Castiel was going through to spite his soc way of life. Yeah, that was probably it. Some people, when rebelling, do drugs or maybe get expelled from school. But Cas decides to try and bang the 'leader' of the greasers.

Was Dean the leader? He couldn't really say he was, because in his mind, either Darry or Dallas was the leader. But then again Darry was too old to hang around with a bunch of high schoolers now and Dallas, well Dallas was just too fucking nuts. So it all fell down on Dean. Dean was the leader of the greasers and Cas was filling his older brother's shoes by being leaders of the socials.

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