Chapter Nine- Jealous Boyfriends

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*one month later or any period of time I don't give a shit you can choose Trin*

Now that they were official, it meant more hugging, kissing, holding hands, and to Dean's pleasure, lots of making out. But things weren't always so heated between them. Dean had a sweet side, as did Cas. Dean might deny it, but he enjoyed the slow moments just as much as Cas.

As much as they loved being together, lots of things stood in the way and they encountered lots of bumpy roads. They couldn't be seen with each other in public. Just because the two heads of both of the gangs were dating, that didn't mean that the whole rivalry would just stop. Greasers and Socs still hated each other more than anything, and tensions were getting higher and higher each day.

They also had to keep up the charade that they hated each other. Which was very hard, considering how much time they spent together when they were alone. It would mostly consist of days where John wasn't home, Sammy was hanging out with Ponyboy and Johnny, and Cas's family was far away from their home.

It wasn't an ideal relationship situation, but it was theirs, and it was a great relationship. Despite their arguing, the relentless teasing, the pointless little bickers, they liked each other. Hell, they loved each other. They wouldn't say it for a while, but they did. Dean absolutely adored Cas, and Cas admired Dean with all of his heart.

It was finally a day where Cas's parents where going to be out of town, Michael was going to be at college all day, and his siblings would be hanging out a school dance they had going on. Meaning the house would be empty for at least 3 hours.

School was school. Cas pulled up into the school parking lot in his red Mustang, Charlie sitting next to him in the passenger seat. "So, you going to that dance tonight?" She asks, getting out with him.

Cas shakes his head. "No. I....I happen to have plans tonight." He says. His eyes drift over to where Dean is talking to his greaser friends, taking in the sight of his attractive face. Dean looks over and winks slyly at him before turning back to his friends. Cas smiles. "Yeah. I have plans that are really important. Sorry, Charles."

Charlie shrugs. "It's all good. Although, I could've used the help to pick up some ladies. Damn you, Cas." She jokes, laughing and nudging him.
Cas laughs.

Charlie just smiles at him for a moment before shaking her head. "You know, you've been in such a good mood lately. I don't know what it is, but I've never seen you this happy before. It's a good look on you." She says. A small blush tints his cheek.

"Nothing, really. I've...just been happy lately. Pretty damn happy." He says, smiling. Charlie smiles back and they continue their walk to the lockers, eventually going their separate ways.

The hallways thin out and everyone begins getting to class, only a few stragglers left behind. Cas exchanges his books, and begins walking to class when someone puts their hands on either side of his head.

"Fancy seeing you here, angel face." Dean says, lips curling into a small smile. Cas has to control the grin on his face.

"Funny seeing you here too." He says, arms wrapping around Dean's waist and pulling him closer. Cas checks both ways of the hallway to make sure no one's coming, before pressing his lips up to Dean's.

They kiss, slow and soft, hands eventually lacing together before pulling back slightly, foreheads touching. "Am I still coming over tonight?" Dean asks, lips slowly brushing over Cas's again. Cas nods his head.

"Yeah. Parents gone. Siblings gone. We got the whole house to ourselves." Cas says, looking up into his eyes. "You know, we're pretty late for class. We should probably get going."

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