Chapter Seventeen - Soc's Versus Greasers

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The swing had already struck Dean, hitting the back of his head. Michael had hit him, and hard.

Cas screamed out, tried running towards his brother, but Bob and Randy held him back, locking his arms behind him.

Sam was out of the car, running straight at Michael. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled, voice cracking with emotion, swinging at Michael and getting one good punch to his jaw. Michael staggered back.

The fight had broken out.

Bob and Randy had forgotten about Cas, ditching him and opting to fight against Benny and Crowley, who were now holding switchblades out. Darry was pitted against Michael, who had a nasty cut on the edge of his jaw.

Everywhere Cas looked, it was greaser against social. Nothing could stop this. And it was all Dean and Cas's faults.

Man, this was some Romeo and Juliet shit up in here.

Dean was still on the road, knocked unconscious from the blow to the back of his head, blood slightly leaking out from the small cut made.

Cas ran over, leaning down to pick up his boyfriend as best as he could and dragging him back to the car.

Anna was sitting in the back of the car, crying with the doors locked. She opened them up for Cas so he could lay Dean down in the front row bench.

"Cas, don't go out there. Please. You'll get killed out there! Look at them! They're monsters!" Anna pleaded, looking at her brother. Cas patted down Dean's pockets, looking for something. Anything.

He had found it. He pulled out the switchblade and tucked it into his own pocket.

"I'll be fine, Anna. Keep the doors locked and don't open them unless it's me, Sammy, Gabe, or Balth." He said. Anna wept more tears and Cas kissed her forehead and Dean's lips once more before heading out into the ongoing war.


It was brutal. Neither gang was holding back whatsoever. Switchblades were brought out, broken glass bottles used as weapons, tire wrenches, hammers, anything that people could get their hands on was now pitted against the other to fight.

Cas didn't know who to fight with.

There were the Socials. The people who had tormented the greasers for so long, not giving a second glance to them except to make their lives a living hell. Michael, his own brother, was bruised up badly and had blood dribbling down his nose. Gabe and Balthazar had teamed up against Ponyboy and Johnny, tackling and punching with every shot available.

The soc's had betrayed Cas. He thought he belonged with them. He had the money. The popularity. The friends. The girls that wanted to be on his arm. The car. The clothes. He was a Soc, inside and out. Nothing could change that.

There were also the greasers. The lowlife, scumbags who crawled around this earth and wanted nothing more than to leech off of whoever they could and expect sympathy simply because their daddies had used them as a punching bag. They were everything that Cas had been taught to hate.

Fucking Dean Winchester. Why.

Why did he have to come in and screw Cas up so royally? Why couldn't it had been just one of his friends?

But Dean had come in, eyelashes batting, green eyes dazzling, smile too perfect to be human, face too beautiful to be of this world. God, did Cas fall so hard for that boy. It almost didn't make sense, but he did.

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