Chapter Twenty-Four - I'll stay the night

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Dean didn't really know what to do about the whole situation. He was standing outside of the pub where Dallas lived and looking up at the sign, worrying about what was going to happen. If Dallas went for him, which was a likely scenario, he would have to be prepared to fight his best friend for years.

But it was all for Cas.

Everything he did was for Cas now. He was living because Cas loved him with his whole being. Dean knew what he had to do. Even if it was hard. He remembered when he had really fancied Dallas at one point. And Dallas would only use him for sex.

Dean shook his head, took one last drag of the cigarette he was puffing on and threw it onto the ground before stepping on it and putting it out. He took a deep breath in before opening up the pub doors and going towards the back room where stairs led up to Dallas' room.

He knocked twice on the door before walking in, seeing Dally reading a magazine and tapping cigarette ash into the ash tray.

"S'up." He says without even looking up.

"Dal, i need to talk to you." Dean says, his voice shaking a bit. He had to admit, he was slightly afraid of Dallas. He was so unpredictable that Dean had no way of knowing how he was going to react when he broke up with him.

"Don't bother. Let me guess." Dallas grinned and put down the magazine, looking up at Dean. "You gave the Soc and good chatting up and now he's all lovey-dovey with you again. So your promised him so many things and now your here to break up with me so you two can run off into the sunset together again."

Dean stayed quiet, avoiding Dallas' gaze at all cost as he explained the situation perfectly. Dally waited for as response so Dean slowly nodded his head.

"I'm sorry." Dean murmurs quietly and winces when Dallas moved to stand up. He thought that he was going to hit him.

"Nah, don't be sorry. We had a good run. Knew this was never going to last anyway, Dean. Besides, I was the one to break you two up in the first place so i think it's only fair that the Soc come and steal you back off of me. Gotta give it to him, not many people can steal my dates away." Dallas grinned and Dean looked up at him in completely confusion.

"What?" Dean asked and Dallas shrugged.

"What do you mean, what? What did you think i was going to do?"

"I don't know, hit me or something." Dean grimaced and Dallas copied the action.

"Nah, that would be something that my dad would do. I don't wanna be nothing like my old man. Dallas gave Dean the rest of his cigarette and walked over to his drawers were he grabbed a shirt, sniffed it to see if it was clean before pulling it on.

"Where are you going?" Dean asked and Dallas turned to him and laughed.

"I'm off on the hunt, Dean. Gonna see if i can find an ass better than yours to fuck. See you around, Winchester." Dally gave him a wink and walked out of the room, leaving Dean even more confused by the second.

Once Dean finally shaked the shock of Dallas' reaction, he turned to walk out of the room and back down to the bar. He saw Crowley sat at the bar downing a shot of whiskey and walked over to him.

"Fancy buying me a drink?" Dean asked and Crowley grinned and tapped the back twice for two more shots.

"What's up, you look like you've seen a ghost?" Crowley asked as he got the shots and gave one to Dean. Dean lifted the glass up to his lips and let the fiery liquid fall down his throat before shrugging.

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