Chapter Eleven- James Dean

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Cas didn't know what Dean was so worried about. The house was fine. Sure, it was small and a little cramped, and there was some...strange odor in the living room, but other than that, the house was perfectly okay.

When Cas had flopped down onto Dean's bed, he wasn't expecting to see his last name scrawled onto the wall next to it. He smiles and runs his fingers over the name carved into the wood.

The mattress dips down and Cas turns back around, facing Dean. The greaser wraps his arm around his boyfriend, Cas laying his head down on his chest and sighing. He brings his hand up and gently cups Dean's face.

"You know, we could be anywhere in the world, and it would never matter where. Just as long as you're with me, I'm happy." Cas says, looking up at Dean. He just smiles and leans down to kiss Cas's forehead.

Their eyes lock and Dean pulls him up to kiss him, their lips gently pressing together. Cas can never get over the way kissing Dean makes him feel. At first, he thought Dean just wanted him for his body. For sex. For his money. For anything, really. He didn't believe that Dean had actually wanted Cas because...of who he was.

He was wrong.

Cas pulled back, looking at Dean and giving a small smile. "I...I like you. A lot, Dean. And I just...I want things to work between us, you know?" He says, looking at him and biting his bottom lip. "I wish the circumstances were different, De-de. I really do."

Dean wouldn't ever admit it, but he loves the nickname Cas gave him on accident. One of the best accidents that's ever happened to him, in his mind.

The best accident he made was falling for the Soc laying in his arms right now.

"I don't wanna change a damn thing, Cas. I know it's not the relationship either of us were expecting, but that's what makes it special, right? We may be different, but that doesn't mean that we can't be....together." Dean says.

This is not a chick flick moment, Dean, He thought to himself. This is not a chick flick mo-

"I love you, Dean."

Shit, this is a chick flick moment.

Dean goes rigid. This isn't happening. They...are they ready for this yet? Dean's sure that he has feelings for Cas that are definitely stronger than like, but love. That's...that's a different subject.

So, he hesitates.

And Cas notices the hesitation. He notices the hesitation and the answer that never comes back.

He sits up automatically and runs a hand through his hair. "I-I should be going. I...have some...homework to do, or something." Cas says, standing up and grabbing his jacket.

Dean sighs and puts a hand on his forehead. "Cas, I'm sorry, okay?" He says, closing his eyes. He continues laying down on the mattress.

"No. No, it's fine. I'm fine. Just...busy. I have a busy life, you know?" Cas mumbles, throwing the door to Dean's bedroom open. "Just...busy. But it's fine. I'll see you at school."

Dean groans and stands up, walking out to go find Castiel, who's already at the front door. "Cas, baby, come on. Don't be like this. You just got here. Don't leave." He says. Cas shakes his head.

"Sorry. I'll see you tomorrow. some things I need to do, ya know? I have some....homework to do and to eat and shit." Cas says, not turning around to face Dean. His voice sounds strained, which only causes Dean's heart to constrict even more.

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