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It was hard. They knew it was going to be. At one point both boys had to work two jobs just to pay the rent but once Castiel started going to college and finished his full three years there, it wasn't hard for him to get a high paying job in the city. With a business degree and the world at their feet, the boys could do anything.

Dean worked with cars, slowly on the rise to become a manager mechanic as the owner took rather a shine to him after Dean reluctantly let him take his Impala for a spin. None the less, he was making a living and loving every minute of it. School never really bothered him anyway, so he was happy not getting a degree like his beloved boyfriend wanted.

After multiple years of saving every spare penny they had, they were finally able to buy a house together. They pretended they were university students and good old friends to the land owners, but it was quite hard for two grown men now at the age of 22 years old to own a house together without landowners looking down their nose at them.

Luckily New York was a more open place, so they eventually found a nice old lady who was rather oblivious to the fact that they wouldn't be needing the second bedroom. She baked them cookies on a Sunday afternoon after she came home from church.

It was safe to say that Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak were the happiest they had ever been in their lives. Even with arguments over small things such as money and washing the dishes, it always ended up with Dean sticking out his bottom lip and coming up to hug Castiel from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"I'm sowwy." He would say in his most pathetic voice and Castiel would scoff, shake his head and turn around to hug Dean back.

"Me too." He would reply softly before hushing our an "I love you."

Within the first couple of weeks since getting to New York, it didn't take John and Sam long to rush down their and shout at them until they were content. Dean and Cas sat their looking up at them quietly until they got it all out of their system and finally smiled when they were done.

"I'll put the kettle on." Cas said and stood up, tapped Sams shoulder lightly and left the room. Dean smiled up at his father and nodded.

"I'm happy dad. I'm sorry I had to leave without saying anything. But we didn't want to be stopped again. I hope you can forgive me."

And he did.

Sam would come to visit once every month, his father would see them when he dropped the boy off and life got a little easier for Dean when he saw his younger and wise brother. Castiel could always tell how happy his boyfriend was whenever Sam came to say, and when they moved into their new two bed room house, Sam considered and decided that he would go to college in New York and stay with his brother and his brothers boyfriend.

Everything was working out fantastically. The only thing that Dean knew was wrong was castiels family. He wanted to say to his boyfriend that he didn't need his family and he could share his but he knew that Castiel loved his family more than anything (well apart from Dean).

Castiel would ring up Gabriel and talk for hours on end with him, wasting most of their phone bill but Dean couldn't find it in his heart to say anything to him. He knew that he missed his little brothers.

However all those years later when Castiel had finished his degree and they both moved into the house, they got an unexpected knock at the door which opened to show Gabriel and Balthazar grinning at them. They were older, and finally free to do whatever the hell they wanted which also meant coming to see there homosexual brother.

It was all falling into place. There was just one thing missing. And it broke Dean whenever he thought about it. He couldn't marry Castiel. Homosexuality wasn't illegal anymore, but they couldn't get married. No church, no vicar, no priest would wed them. Dean hadn't even proposed because he couldn't see the point in giving out false hope to the man he loved because he doubted it would ever become legal for them to marry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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