Superheroes and Love | (Tom x superhero!Reader)

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Oh boy, I haven't done a x reader in a longtime. The last one that I did was back in 2019. Yeah... I'm a little rusty

This x reader was requested by MiaTheGlowingStar.

Anyway, before we begin, I would like to clarify that the reader is gender neutral and go by they/them.

Key index:

(y/n) - your name

(superhero name) - you get to come up with your own superhero name

(favorite color) - I don't need to explain this one

Also you already known this but I do not own you but I do own two original characters who appear later in the story

Alright, sorry for taking up your time with this. Please enjoy the story


You were apart of a superhero organization that protected the world from dangerous threats by using your powers for good. The organization followed a strong will to serve and protect those that cannot protect themselves. In order to accomplish this, each superhero was tasked to protect one place in the world.

You were given the task to protect the UK, mostly London and after a few years have passed, you gain the attention of many people including the British royal family. The people of London called you many names but one stood out from the bunch and from that day forward you were known as (superhero name).

While keeping your true identity a secret, you've eventually met Tom who was kind enough to be friends with you and he would later introduce you to his friends. You and Tom soon became a couple and would go out on a lot of dates.

Both of you would share each other's lives but you didn't tell Tom that you were a superhero and kept that a secret for months. It wasn't till more opposing threats came to London and you had to cancel your plans with Tom just to deal with them. Luckily, Tom was very understanding but he eventually got interested in learning about superheroes to the point where he would constantly talk about them whenever he sees you.

"Yes Tom, I get it. You're very interested in superheroes and I'm aware that they do, in fact, exist. We've been over this like 30 times" said (y/n).

"I know, I know, but you got to admit that superheroes have cool abilities. Well, some of them" said Tom.

"True. So, moving on from all that, what have you been up to?" asked (y/n).

"Well, I've been helping Edd out with filming a movie" said Tom.

"Oh really? That's pretty cool. I bet you're carrying your camera around, right?" asked (y/n).

Tom just laughs nervously a bit as he looked at you with a smile

"You have a camera, right?" asked (y/n) while returning the smile.

Tom just kept smiling as your smiles slowly becomes a frown as you came to conclusion that he didn't own a camera.

"I can tell by the look on your face that I don't have a camera" said Tom.

"Yeah..." said (y/n).

You and Tom sat there in silence for a few minutes until your phone rang. You take out to see who messaged you and it turns out to be the leader of the superhero organization.

"Who's messaging you?" asked Tom.

"Oh, it was just my boss. He was just wondering when I'll be at the office" said (y/n).

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