Paul x Reader

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A/N: It's been four months since I've wrote anything especially when it relates to Eddsworld so I have no idea how people are going to react to this, but I've tried

Also it's been almost a year since I've last updated this book. Plus I think that someone wanted an x reader focused on Paul, but I can't remember who.

Like the previous x readers before this one, the reader is gender neutral because everyone needs love


According to the rules of the Red Army, soldiers weren't allowed to be in a loving relationship with each other due to it being an emotional ride that might get in the way. However, there were a few that would keep it a secret. These few would either remain in a relationship or they would sometimes break off in fear that a fellow may rat them out.

One of those who actually kept a secret longer than most have was was you and Paul. When people first see Paul, they get the impression that he doesn't care and they are actually right. Paul can be very short tempered at times, but it quickly goes away when mission goes well.

Now speaking of his relationship with you, you're the only person in the army that Paul doesn't get frustrated with. On your first could of weeks in the army, you've heard many stories of Paul and were told to stay clear from him if he gives you a hard time, but you unexpectedly got on his good side.

At first, Paul thought of you as some soldier tasked to update him like he always gets; however, upon meeting you the first time, he felt something within him. When he took in every what you said, he felt his heart beat by each word. Is he falling for a soldier?

As soon as you done talking to him, you turned to leave only to be stopped when he placed a hand into your shoulder, telling you that you should stay to keep him company. You agree to this and this is where you see a side of Paul.

He would yell at other soldiers who were either not doing their job or were bothering him, but when you were around, he would soften. After many hours of talking and getting to know each other, you and Paul depart ways for the night. All things were going great and Paul was preparing to confess his feelings for you with some helpful advice from Yuu.

Yuu and his partner Yanov, were the first ones to discover your relationship, but promised to keep it from spreading like wildfire as long as they each gave you helpful tips. Paul was being coached on how to confess his feelings to you, but whenever you two are together, he pushes it aside no matter how much he tries till one faithful day.

That one specific day had to be one of the biggest blunders to have happen in the Red Army. It was a day so notorious that in resulted into much stricter guidelines. That day was the day where an enemy army managed to get a victory as one of the many bases of the Red Army were destroyed. Many point the blame on Yuu and Paul were on guarding duty, but they soon blamed Paul for simply not caring. Of course Paul denied that the sounds that they were hearing on the rooftop was probably an animal, but it thanks to some security footage it was four people who stole a tank.

After that, Paul was punished quite harshly. The known personality of Paul being stone cold to others was replaced by nothing but fear. He still had his short tempered part of his personality, but it's now been mocked to the point where he just gives up. It was honestly very sad to see Paul like this and you did everything in your power to make him feel better.

Paul still hasn't confess his feelings for you and Yuu kept telling him that he shouldn't wait forever.

"I don't know why you're trying to keep pushing it aside. Just tell them, Paul" Yuu said.

"I can't. I just can't" Paul said.

"And why is that? You don't have trouble showing them your true emotions" Yuu said.

"I just don't how (y/n) is going to react...." Paul said.

"React? That's what you're worried about? Oh Paul, (y/n) cares about you and your wellbeing. After since the incident, they haven't left your side. They want you to know that they are always here for you" Yuu said.

"You're right, Yuu. You are right" Paul said.

"You sure bet I am! Now go tell (y/n) your feelings for them" Yuu said.

Paul leaves the room that he's in and heads to your post which happened to be located out on one of the many watchtowers of the base. It was nighttime and there were a lot of stars in the sky.

You seen laying on your back looking up at the stars till you heard footsteps. You sat up to see Paul.

"Oh hey Paul, I thought you were a high official at first" you said.

"And I thought that you would be keeping watch" Paul said.

"I was, but I wanted to take a break and I kinda lost track of time" you said.

"That's reasonable. Do whatever you can to relax your mind a bit and besides, I didn't see anyone else when I came here" Paul said.

"Oh. Do you want to stare up at the stars with me?" you asked.

"Yeah, I do" Paul said with a smile.

Paul sits down the ground before you both laid down and looked up at the stars. Without knowing it, Paul was sweating a bit before he slowly held you hand which got your attention.

"Uh Paul, you're holding my hand. Are you ok?" you asked.

"I'm fine...." Paul quickly responded.

You could of sworn that you heard some nervousness in his voice but you let it slide. After a few minutes of not saying anything, Paul breaks the silence.

"(y/n)......I have something to tell you" Paul said.

"Really?" you asked.

"Yes, I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time, but I've never gotten the chance" Paul said.

"Paul....I know that this may sound crazy, but I already know" you said.

" do?" Paul asked.

"Why yes....I mean, it was clearly obvious from the time I first met you. You didn't yell at me or give me a short tempered rant because you had feelings for me. I was told by Yanov since he claimed to be some kind of expert. I didn't believe it, but as time went by I started to believe it" you said.

Paul had tears in his eyes before he embraced you in a hug. You've hugged him back as you smiled.

"It's alright Paul, just let it out" you said.

"Oh (y/n), I love you so much" Paul said.

"Aww....I love you too. Look Paul, a shooting star" you said.

Both you and Paul looked up to see shooting star passing by.

"Did you make a wish?" Paul asked.

"Yeah I did. I wished for us to be together forever" you said.

"Heh, funny that you said that...I've wished for the same thing" Paul said.

You looked at each other for a bit till Paul leads in for a kiss which you accepted and kissed him back.

~The End~

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