I'll Always Be With You | (Tom x Reader)

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This oneshot was requested by No-Life-Nerd

I don't have an opening to this due to my brain going kaput while writing but in this oneshot, you, the reader, had a stressful week at work due to your boss being quite a jerk. One day, you break down due to bottling up all of your emotions. Luckily, Tom comes to your rescue and... well, just go ahead and see for yourself


"Hey (y/n), are you still coming with me to that concert with me? We've been planning this for months" said Tom.

Tom suddenly hears the sound of someone sobbing as he searches for the source of it only to find you sitting on the floor crying. By just glancing at you, Tom immediately knew what was happening.

"Oh my god, (y/n). Are you alright? Hey, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay" said Tom.

Tom gets down at your level and stays close to you.

"Hey hey hey, look at me. Just take deep breath in and then out but don't do it too fast" said Tom.

Tom watches you as you slowly breath in and out for a couple of minutes while he gently talks to in a smoothing tone.

"You're doing a good job, (y/n). I don't plan on leaving your side anytime soon. I'll always be with you" said Tom.

Eventually, you started to calm down as your breathing returned to normal.

"Are you feeling better now, (y/n)?" asked Tom.

You looked at him as you nodded your head. "Y-Yes, I am" said (y/n).

"So, what happened? It's okay if you don't want to share. I understand" said Tom.

You think for a moment before gathering up the strength to talk about what happened. You told Tom about your boss at your workplace and how awful they treated you while trying hard not to break down. Tom comforts you as he gave you a sympathetic look.

"There there, (y/n). Your safe. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise" said Tom.

"Thank you, Tom. ...I'm sorry that I'm ruining your chance at going to that concert. I hope you're not mad" said (y/n).

"Oh no, I'm not mad. All I care about right now is you and your feelings. Besides the band that's having the concert is overrated anyway" said Tom.

"Really? You mean it?" asked (y/n).

"Of course I do!" said Tom.

You smiled as you hugged Tom while he holds you close.

- The End - 

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