Red Poison | (Red Leader!Tord x Future!Tom)

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This oneshot was requested by WishvngWell over on quotev

Sorry, that it took me till the end of the month to get this finished and published. This month hasn't been the kindest in terms of motivation for me. Hopefully August will be better

Anyway, I've noticed that most of the requests I get are Tom related. I'm not saying that I hate the character, it's just that I might run out of ideas surrounding him. Matt, Tord, and Edd lovers, where ya at? 


Being the leader of a rebellion isn't always and Tom knew that before he even formed the Blue Rebellion. What made it worse was that the rebellion constantly had a target on its back and were hunted by the Red Army which added more to Tom's stress. Despite this, Tom managed to keep pushing forward and had to carefully choose whichever mission a member is tasked to do. The only mission that he refused to give out was the plan that involves sneaking into the Red Army base and gather Intel on the Red Leader.

One day, Matt comes into Tom's office just to see Tom scrambling on coming up with another plan.

"Uh Tom, can I talk to you for a moment?" asked Matt.

"Now's not the time, Matt" said Tom.

"But it has something to with the plan where you sneak into the Red Army base. I want to do the mission" said Matt.

Tom stops what he was doing just to look up at Matt. "Oh no, you are not going on that mission. It's way to dangerous and it's way above your skill level" said Tom.

"But Tom, I can handle it. Trust me. Besides, we kinda need a new plan since the last one didn't work out as well. So, can I do the mission please?" asked Matt.

Tom just shakes his head. "No Matt, you're not going on that mission and that's final" said Tom.

Matt just gives off a disappointed look before leaving Tom's office. Once he was alone Matt begins packing up equipment including a map that leads to the Red Army base undetected

"I don't care what Tom or anyone else says. I'm capable enough to handle something difficult and I'll prove it by stealing the Red Army's plans and uncovering the identity of the Red Leader" said Matt.

Matt waits for sun down as he proceeds to follow the route that leads to the Red Army base with a stroke of confidence. Little did he know, he would walk himself into a trap. The next day, Tom was seen in office drawing battle stragies on a white board until one of his advisors comes in and tells him that Matt was captured by the Red Army and is being held as a prisoner.

"Are you sure that this isn't some kind of lie that was made up in order for the rebellion to surrender?" asked Tom.

"No sir, it's not. It's the truth" said the advisor.

Tom lets out a frustrated sigh. "God damn it, Matt" said Tom.

After letting his frustrations out, Tom proceeds to go to the Red Army in order to find and hopefully free Matt. Once he gets inside, he quietly and carefully searches each floor until he eventually heads up a staircase which leads up to a tower.

Upon reaching to the top, Tom looks for Matt only to see him in a cell that was at the very end of the room before quickly going over to him

"Oh my god, Matt. I'm so glad that you're alive" said Tom.

"Tom? How did you know where I was?" asked Matt.

"I was told that you came here without my approval. I warned you not to go" said Tom.

"I know, but I wanted to help" said Matt.

Tom begins to pick the lock to Matt's cell with only to get grabbed by the shoulder and gets thrown against a wall by someone.

"Run Tom! They're here!" yelled Matt.

Tom looks up to see a tall silhouette that had horns staring down at him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" asked the mysterious silhouette.

"I should be the one asking who are you. Let my friend go and we won't have any problems" said Tom.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You're friend trespassed in my base and now he must pay for his crimes" said the silhouette,

"Your base? Hold on, are you the Red Leader or are you just filling in for them?" asked Tom.

"I'm not going to answer that" said the silhouette.

"Red Leader or not, you can't just throw my friend in a cell and lock him up forever. He can't even last one day by himself" said Tom.

"Hey!" said Matt.

"There's nothing you can do. He's my prisoner and that's final" said the silhouette.

"Wait, take me instead" said Tom.

"Tch! Like you're- wait, you're actually serious?" asked the silhouette.

"If I were to take his place, you will let him go?" asked Tom.

"Yes, but you must promise me that you'll stay here forever" said the silhouette.

"I promise" said Tom.

The silhouette goes over to Tom and slowly steps into the light revealing to be Tord the entire time. Tom was shocked by this while letting out a quiet gasp as he looks at Tord.

"So, do we have a deal, old friend?" asked Tord.

"...You- You have my word" said Tom.

"Done!" said Tord.

Tord then walks by Tom just to free Matt from the cell.

"Tom, why would you agree to this? Like I appreciate you getting me out that very tight cell, but why would agree?" asked Matt.

"I had no other choice, Matt. It's my fault that I got you into this mess" said Tom.

Before Matt could say anything, Tord grabs Matt by the scuff of his neck and drags him all the way down the stairs before bringing him to two soldiers.

"Take him back to wherever he came from but do it without killing him" said Tord.

Tord watches as the soldiers drag Matt away and once they were out of sight, Tord was finally alone to his thoughts.

"At long last, I've finally got my hands on Tom. Hopefully, he'll share everything on what that stupid Blue Rebellion is plotting and I'll make sure to feed enough red poison in order to get him to talk" said Tord.

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