Patryck x Reader

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This x reader was requested by a user by the name of sbcjtjzhcjejcg who asked for a Patryck x reader. You know before I wrote this, I looked up an Patryck X readers, but unfortunately I didn't find any which is a shame. 

Well I did found Paul x readers, but that's just barely anything for both characters. I did found a few, but that's not enough. 

So....can we all just agree on giving these two pilots the love that they deserved although they only had a few appearances in Eddsworld? 

Anyway....sorry if this took long to do because I was busy with a bunch of other things. But hey, a promise is a promise, is a promise. 

I'll be real here, I've never done an x reader before, so this my first rodeo, so go easy on me

Now onto the show 

Wait a minute, I'm putting this here to tell you that I making the reader gender neutral

Okay, we're good now

Please enjoy the show


You were a soldier in the Red Army lead by the all mighty Red Leader himself. You wanted to join, because you had nowhere else to go considering the fact that a lot of places couldn't take you since you were too rebellious against the system.

Joining the army wasn't that hard since you only had to say one thing which that you wanted to kill somebody. Those officials smiled at your reasoning and gave you the slip. Just like what they always say, don't ask questions, just demand your response.

For your first few years of being in basic training, you were out to the test. You were quite successful. So successful that the person who was in charge of leading those in basic training, was man named Patryck. Patryck saw what you could do and was impressed. You smiled at his encouraging words while feeling something deep inside that you shrugged off the first time.

Once getting to know the basics and combat of being a soldier, you were eventually promoted. For this promotion, you got to experience what it's like to be in storage room with lots of weaponry. Of course, you were partnered with Patryck along side his friend Paul. The two were happy to assist you as long as they're not busy with guarding the Red Leader whenever they go somewhere. There are times where they would take you along with them.

As time went by you grew close to Paul and Patryck, but the feelings that you've felt when you first saw Patryck came back. Every time when you see him, you would feel a warm fuzzy feeling. Of course, Patryck asks you if you're alright to which you say that you are. just know that you're far from being alright.

It was a normal day, you and Paul were busy with counting the number of ammunition after learning that Paul allowed an army tank to get stolen.

"Hey (y/n), is everything good on that side?" Paul said. "Because I could use a little help."

"Yeah Paul, everything's alright." (y/n) said.

You came to the side that Paul was on only to see that he was trying to keep a bomb from going off.

"Are you trying to blow up the base just like how you allowed a couple of people use a tank to destroy a base that was occupied?" (y/n) said with a slight chuckle.

"No. I'm trying to not let bomb activate, since someone had knock a switch off." Paul said. "So, mind if you can help me?"

"Sure thing." (y/n) said.

You listened to what Paul said and in no time, the bomb was switched to not go off.

"Thanks for your help, (y/n)." Paul said.

"No problem Paul. Say have you seen Patryck lately?" (y/n) asked.

"Not really. The last time, I've seen him was this morning. He looked tired. My guess is that the boss is giving him certain tasks which is making him feel exhausted." Paul said. "Why are asking? Do you like him or something?"

Once Paul asked this, your cheeks immediately turned red.

", I'm just worried about him." (y/n) said.

"Oh really? Is that reason why every time when you see him, you blush?" Paul asked.

"Okay, okay, I confess! I like him-no I love him." (y/n) said.

"That's what I thought. (y/n) has a crush on Patryck! (y/n) has a crush on Patryck!" Paul said.

"Shut up you stupid Dutchman! Just keep this between us. Got it?" (y/n) said.

"Yeah sure. Whatever." Paul said.


You were in charge of keeping watch by the Red Leader, but only problem was that it took place during the night. You were just not happy with this, since you agreed to go to the shooting range with Yuu and Yanov the next day. And let me just say that you agreed to meet up at them at 8 o' clock in the morning.

It was midnight and you swear that if you don't see an enemy planning on sneaking into the base, you would just ask someone else to take your place so you can sleep. After waiting a couple of minutes, you decided to find someone until you suddenly heard footsteps.

Your mind immediately told you to hide behind crates until the stranger comes by so you can shoot him with your gun. The footsteps neared till they stopped. You held your breath till you heard a familiar Polish accent.

"(y/n), what are you doing behind crates?" Patryck asked with a slight yawn.

"Patryck, oh, I uh...I thought you were an enemy that sneaked into the base. I'm sorry." (y/n) said.

"It's fine...." Patryck said.

You looked at Patryck to see that he had black bags underneath his eyes, plus he seemed to be talking slowly than he regular speed. Also he had an arm up against a wall for support.

"Patryck, are you okay? You seem a little tired." (y/n) said with concern in their voice.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just need to go to my room." Patryck said.

Patryck pulls himself up from the wall and proceeded to walk to his room, but he seemed to be wobbly in his movements. Your instincts told you to help him and so you did. You put an arm on his shoulder and helped him keep from falling.

Luckily Patryck's room wasn't too far from where you were stationed at. Once opening the door to his room, you head inside with Patryck still at your side. You helped him on getting him onto his bed, but just a you knew it, Patryck's weight dragged you with him. You both were on his bed as Patryck pulled you close to him in a similar way to that of someone hugging a stuffed animal.

You admit that it was cute for Patryck to be snuggling you, but you didn't expect for him to kiss you which made your face turn red. You two stayed that way till you kissed him back, before Patryck stops as he opens his eyes to look at you.

"Kocham cię, (y/n)...." Patryck said. "....Jesteś piękna.."

Of course you had no idea what Patryck said in that second sentence, but you kinda understood what he said before it by the way how he said it,

"I love you too Patryck...." (y/n) said.

You both smiled as you slowly went to sleep just before you had the thought of taking a couple of Polish lessons.

~The End~

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