Chapter 28

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Right after New Years Milo had to go back home. Melanie dreaded this moment as she wasn't ready to say goodbye to him again. He packed up his belongings and stepped out of his room for the last time. As he did the door disappeared and was replaced by stone bricks.

Milo said his goodbyes to Harry and Ron and him, Melanie and Hermione stepped out of the common room. Harry and Ron haven't been speaking to Hermione after McGonagall took away Harry's firebolt.

The three of them walked slowly down the stairs towards Dumbledores office. Melanie was clutching onto Milos arm. They greeted Professor Dumbledore and Milo placed his suitcase on the floor.

"It was lovely to meet you Hermione." He said as he pulled her into a hug. "Take care of her for me yeah?"

"I will." She replied as she hugged him tightly.

"I guess this is it Princess." Milo said as he wrapped his arms around Melanie.

"Write to me from time to time okay?"

"Of course. I will be sending you some reports from the ministers anyway." He sighed deeply as he felt the weight build up in his chest, but this time he knew Melanie would be taken care of. He pulled away from the hug and looked Melanie in the eyes. "Remember what you promised me."

"I remember." She nodded as she placed a kiss on his cheek.

" I love You princess." He murmured as he wrapped his arm around her one last time.

"Love you too." She replied taking a step back next to Hermione.

Dumbledore opened the portal and they watched as Milo stepped through.

The girls headed back to their room and stayed there for the majority of the day.

"The train will be arriving soon." Hermione said peeking over the book she was reading on Melanie's bed.

"Mhm." Melanie murmured in response.

"Aren't you excited to see Fred?"

"Yeah of course I am. I haven't seen him in two weeks. It's crazy how much I missed him." She blushed.

"That's sweet. You two make a good couple."

"Couple?" Melanie repeated. "Oh no we're not together or anything. We just shared a kiss under the mistletoe. One that you conjured if I'm not mistaken?"

"First of all, it was Milos idea. Second of all as far as I've heard it wasn't the only kiss you two shared." She raised her eyebrow.

"What?" Melanie stopped. "George." She added angrily.

"Well if he asked would you agree?" Hermione added shyly.

Melanie looked at her sympathetically "Mione, come on."

"Would you?"

"Maybe. But I don't want to get my hopes up. I already had my heart broken. Wether it was on purpose or not. And I wouldn't want to break his."

"Why would you break his heart?"

Melanie took a deep breath as she continued. "I don't think I'll be coming back to Hogwarts next year."

"What?! Why?" Hermione exclaimed. "Melanie you have to come back."

"It's not that simple. Over Christmas Milo caught me up with what has been going on down in Hell. We had A LOT of paperwork to get through. I don't know if I could pull off another year like that."

"But Melanie.."

"I know. But I'm the Queen and there's nothing I can do about that." She sighed. Melanie noticed Hermione's eyes slowly start to tear up.

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