Chapter 29

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Melanie was sat on the sofa in the common room holding her head in her hands. She had just finished an incredibly painful session with Snape. Apparently he stopped feeling bad for the whomping willow and decided to go back to invading Melanie's mind, this time pulling at her new, happy memories with Fred.

As excruciating as the session was Melanie, at the end of it, was able to block Snape out for a couple of minutes. But that just took a toll on her afterwards. She was just about to get off the sofa to go to her room when she noticed the Quidditch team walk through. Fred spotted Melanie immediately and walked up to her while George went up to their room.

"How's my girl doing today?" He asked as he gently took her hand in his.

"Not great." Melanie groaned.

"What's wrong love?" Fred asked concerned.

"It's just Snape. Todays session was a bit more forceful than usual." She explained. "It's alright Freddie it's just a migraine."

"Yeah and being in this noisy common room won't help you. Come on." He said as he pulled her off of the sofa. He wrapped his arm around her and they walked up to his room.

George was sat on his bed drying his hair with a towel when Melanie and Fred came in.

"Explain to me how bringing me here is better than my own room." Melanie said as she climbed into Fred's bed and he shut the majority of the curtains, leaving the one next to George's bed open.

"If I'm not mistaken, right now the girls are up there getting pampered up for the match tomorrow. Having a little spa night right?"

"Well it's just Lavender and Parvati."

"Still. It's a bit loud." He replied.

"Contrary to popular belief Mel, me and Fred do like some peace and quiet sometimes." George shrugged.

"So it made more sense for you to come here love." Fred said as he started to take off his quidditch robes. Melanie shot her head down, but couldn't help and peek over at Fred's body before he disappeared into the bathroom.

She took in a deep breath and turned to George.

"So you think you've got a chance tomorrow?"

"A chance?! Oh Melanie we are going to beat Ravenclaw quicker than it takes Madam Trewlaney to make a prediction." He said confidently. "You are coming to this match right?"

"That's the plan." She groaned slightly as she said that, the migraine was returning and Melanie laid her head back onto the pillow.

"Alright alright Mel I'll leave you to rest." George said as he got up and closed the last curtain around the bed. Melanie took off her hoodie and slid under the covers. It didn't take long for her to drift off to sleep.

Fred came out of the bathroom in grey trousers, with his towel hanging on his shoulder. George raised his eyebrow.

"You do realise that those are just curtains right? Not an impenetrable wall." He smirked.

"Oh come off it. I just forgot to bring a shirt with me into the bathroom. Besides we're just going to nap." Fred replied as he picked up a grey top.

"Yeah yeah, regardless I think I'm gonna go and find Lee. I wouldn't want to.. overhear anything." George said as he got up and walked over to the door. Fred scrunched up the top and launched it at the back of his brothers head. George chuckled lightly as he heard Melanie stirring and threw the top back to Fred before he disappeared behind the door.

Fred put the top on and gently opened the curtains. He slid under the covers next to Melanie who was already asleep. He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her in closer to his body. She murmured softly in her sleep as she nuzzled her nose into Fred's neck.

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