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a/n: don't forget to comment and happy readings!!

The sun was shining brightly on japan. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day, the perfect day for a picnic. The birds were singing and the flowers were blooming. It was the perfect day to be outside and enjoy the weather. There were families having picnics, children playing, and people walking their dogs.

(y/n) (l/n), an eighteen year old who is a third year in high school walks happily down the pavement on the sidewalks. she was going to meet up with itadori yuji. the two are neighbors and they know each other quite well.

(y/n) and itadori are two extremely close friends who live in the suburban area of japan. Despite attending different schools, they make time for each other every day. on some days, they spend their time exploring some nearby nature reserve, sharing food and stories, or simply enjoying each other's company.

(y/n) reflects on her friendship and how grateful she is for itadori's presence in her life. the pinkette is like a little child who radiates positive energy and is excited about anything. he sometimes tell her about the fun activities he and his club-mates do; seances, paranormal shit like that.

(e/c) hues got sight of a tuft of pink hair in an undercut, followed by a tall broad male with a yellow hoodie and blue knee-length pants, she gleams, "yuji..!" she calls out excitedly, catching the boy's attention as he diverts his gaze from his phone to her.

"ah, (y/n)!" itadori hastily puts his phone away, greeting the female with a grin, "you made it! I thought you were going to take longer." he teases her as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"shut up.." (y/n) huffs, crossing her arms as she and itadori head to the nearest flower shop where he purchases a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The two were going to visit his grandpa whose health wasn't doing so well, the nurses had no choice but to call the pinkette and inform him.

"so, grandpa's been feeling worse, huh?" the (h/c)-ette asks, her voice laced with concern as she spares her friend a glance. itadori; whom was carrying a small bouquet of sunflowers (because...why not?) nodded solemnly.

"yeah, the doctor said it's getting serious. he's been sleeping a lot, and he's not eating much and causing the nurses trouble everyday. I just want to make sure he knows I'm there for him..." the pinkette murmurs as they walk at a moderate pace down the street, avoiding bumping into people.

(y/n) squeezed his hand gently, flashing him a soft smile, "well, he's lucky to have you, yuji. you're a good grandson.." she praises.

after all, for as long as she has known the itadori's, the pinkette has been taking care of his grandpa and making sure he is healthy and simply being by his side despite the old man trying to shoo him away like some pest..—

itadori blushes, feeling awkwardly grateful, "don't be silly, (y/n). he's my grandpa. it's only natural I care about him."

they walk in comfortable silence for a few minutes, the midday sun casting long shadows across the sidewalk. the pinkette glances at the sunflowers in his hand, their vibrant yellow petals a stark contrast to the grey pavement.

"..do you think he'll like these?" he asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. he was going to pick a handful of colorful bunches but (y/n) suggested to try a different bouquet.

"of course he will!" the (h/c)-ette assures him, "he's always loved sunflowers. he said they remind him of his youth, when the world was full of sunshine and hope."

a smile flickered across itadori's face, "that's a nice thought. I hadn't thought about it that way." he wondered out loud.

"he's always had a way with words, your grandpa,"(y/n) mused, her voice softening, hands clasped together in front, "he taught me so much, even though I was just a little kid when he first met me." she reminisced.

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