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the culling game???

(y/n) was in a mysterious room with maki and the others that was located deep within jujutsu high. apparently they are meeting some person called tengen..? he looks like a thumb...but more odd and weird looking.

apparently he was a sorcerer but is now more cursed spirit than anything. he greets everyone before his land on (y/n), making her gasp and flinch, "...and greetings to you, wife of ryomen sukuna; (y/n) (l/n).."

the (h/c)-ette heard gasps behind her. that's right, tsukumo and choso did not know about her relations with sukuna, only her closest friends. she ignored their gaze on her, wondering how tengen knows of her, then again; he seems to be all knowing.

the meeting soon began and tengen begins to explain what kenjaku's purpose of the culling game is.

there are ten colonies around japan that are connected by boundary-binding barriers that form a line down the archipelago. this does not include hokkaido because of the jujutsu barrier and its status as a sacred area. every human in japan has been cursed in preparation for the merging ritual.

the evolved soul of master tengen is now the world itself, and merging with them would create beings that are greater than a sorcerer. however, they would be new beings that are both "there and not there", meaning there are no boundaries between individuals. not unlike what befell tokyo, evil would spread and the impurity of a million people would flood the entire world beyond just japan.

the culling game uses a player's cursed energy and the barriers for a ritual that prepares the humans of japan for the merger. through this custom, tengen can be forced to merge with the humans of japan and "convey them to the other side'.

(y/n) felt worry bubble inside her, her eyes dart to tengen as she speaks out, gaining his attention, "does this mean...i am in danger as well?.." the others look at her, "i am not a sorcerer, just a common woman. if this merge is successful, does that mean i..." she trails off, not wanting to finish the sentence.

in itadori's mind, sukuna scowls at he mentally cusses kenjaku. he does know if this plan would affect his wife or not, but so help god, if it does, there will be hell to pay. his wife is someone whom should not be subjected to such experimentation! when he finds that body-snatcher...—

tengen hums as he looks at (y/n), "...truthfully speaking, i am unsure, my dear. as you say, you are a non-sorcerer, so kenjaku's plan may work on you," he pauses, "on the other hand, you also have traces of sukuna's potent cursed energy radiating off you. i cannot guarantee an answer, my sincere apologies.." he bows his head.

(y/n) smiles weakly, "a-ah, it's okay.." she looks down, hand on her arm as she felt uneasy about this. what could fate have in store for her..?


as fushiguro, itadori and the others participated in the culling game, she was advised to stay behind in jujutsu high for the mean time. although sukuna was against it, he would prefer if his wife was not put in danger as reincarnated sorcerers from the heian era were also participating in such a game.

one by one; curse users, sorcerers and curses fell at the hands of yuta and the others. the culling game was merciless to them.

the (h/c)-ette thought this situation would have resolved quickly but as hours went by...followed by days..to weeks..october soon flew by and it was now november and things were not looking good.

luckily, fushiguro, itadori, maki and the others got allies from their fight, hopefully to end all this madness once and for all.

however, tengen was captured by kenjaku and jujutsu high was not safe anymore after tsukumo died. luckily, choso got both her and him out while she was in hiding during the attack (y/n) only escaped with minor injuries, nothing too big.

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