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a/n: don't forget to comment and happy readings!!

(y/n) stirs her cup of coffee with a spoon, a dazed expression on her face. she was unable to get over the whole situation with the gojo man. After he had promised to let her go, he left through the door and came back thirty minutes later.

she remembered what he told her, "don't be alarmed, i just wanted to confirm something." he says, waving his hand offhandedly at her, "anyways, it would be in your best interest if you do not mention my name or this entire situation to anyone, understand?"

gojo had lifted his blindfold, revealing a beautiful crystal blue eye color. His face and tone held an air of seriousness as he explained the dire consequences if she uttered a word. Dangerous people might go after her considering he was breaking the rules for her by letting her go.

If the higher-ups found out about this, the (h/c)-ette would have been executed on the spot; sorcerer or not. Anything related to sukuna poses a threat, and (y/n) was one of them now; unbeknownst to her. Although, gojo kept that part quiet, not wanting to frighten her anymore and somehow cause her to form a curse from her emotions. So the plan was to let her go quietly as if she never stepped foot in jujutsu high.

"i won't say a word," (y/n) promises genuinely, "i just want to forget this whole ordeal and go back to my life." she exasperatedly says, making it known to gojo she just wants to leave and pretend this never happened in the first.

gojo smiles wryly, "i understand. now then," he taps his finger on her forehead, catching her once again as she fell in his arms, he hoists her in his arms, "can't stop falling for me, can't ya?" he playfully says, before grinning and teleporting back to her home, where he puts her in her bed and just for safe-keeping, he put a ward around her home so that if a curse or curse user shows up, he would be alerted.

why would he do this for someone he doesn't even know? he doesn't want an innocent person's death to fall in his hands.

by the time (y/n) woke up, she was back in her home and in her bed. life continued on as she goes about her daily activities in her last year of high-school. she is an eighteen year old legal adult now. things like college applications, part-time jobs, and cost of living were were worries, nothing else.

if only it were that simple, right...?

it seems as if fate has something else in store for (y/n). To reunite her with sukuna, the fated pair. The (h/c)-ette was on her way to the park, her tote bag on her arm. she didn't realize she has passed itadori, whom was waiting with fushiguro and gojo for the next student that is supposed to attend jujutsu high.

however, someone did. sukuna. His stupid vessel did not notice but he did. of course he did, he would recognize his wife anywhere no matter where she is. His eyes widened.

sukuna had learned a lot during the time (y/n) went back to her civil life. gojo satoru is a nosy bastard and when he revealed he looked into (y/n) and his life, he smirks triumphantly when the sorcerer came up empty-handed.

the king of curses felt even more superior to the white-haired male when he was asked what his connection is to (y/n), which he did not utter. only he knows the truth. however, the history between them was too painful to talk about..he did not want to utter words about it. why? even thinking about it brought him immense anger and hatred.

itadori's eyes the caught trace of (y/n)'s back and like a magnet, his legs moved on their own while gojo was busy messing around with fushiguro and he was soon following her subconsciously. The overwhelming urge to make sure she is safe engulfs him, blinded him. It was like they weren't his thoughts and he was walking in a trance and suddenly he lost conscious and control of his body.

(y/n) felt someone following her and she furrows her brows, tightening her grip on her tote bag. Her mind recalls gojo's words and anxiety fills her, was it the dangerous people he was talking about?? in a way, she is right, but also she was wrong. The person tailing her would never...not in a million years...hurt her.

she whirls around, widening her eyes as they come in contact with pink-reddish hues, "..yuji..?" she asks in surprise, although she notices something different about him. His face and wrists held black inking with intricate patterns, his nails sharp like pointed needles.

sukuna was unable to utter a word as he stands in (y/n)'s presence. he was actually able to see her through his/itadori's eyes and not in the mind.

it was like a seeing a ghostly apparition before him but this is real. she is real and alive. He slowly reaches out, his hand hesitantly touching her cheek; so soft and supple to the touch like he remembered...his thumb caresses the skin.

(y/n) was unsure what was happening with yuji as she feels his hand cup her cheek and caress her skin. She had never seen him behave this way? and why does he look different? she widens her eyes when she sees his eyes soften just a barely, an emotion akin to love and adoration flashes in them. why was he looking at her like that??

shaking her head, she thinks nothing of it as she holds his hand, startling the pinkette. a soft smile on her face, "i thought you forgot about me," she utters to yuji, unbeknownst to her she is actually talking to sukuna, "it's been a while."

sukuna wanted to say the same thing. he remains silent, focusing on all his power to push itadori back as he was trying to fight control over his body. Not yet...he thinks selfishly. now that he felt (y/n), touched her after so long believing he would never see again after her death, he didn't want to let go.

For once, he shows a little weakness. that's right, (y/n) (l/n); his wife, is his very weakness and strength.

He mindlessly lets her guide him through the park till they reach a small lake. his pink-reddish hues spot a daisy on the ground and he plucks it off the ground, turning to (y/n) as he delicately tucks it in her hair, surprising her as she tentatively touches it with her fingers.

"yuji?" (y/n) laughs nervously, eyeing him, "you're kind of acting weird. We just met and you barely said two words to me." she points out, it was just the two alone by the small lake.

sukuna lightly smirks, looking down a moment before darting his eyes back to her, "...(y/n)..." he speaks in a low and deep voice, shocking her.

....that is not itadori's voice...

(y/n) steps back just as a huge gust of wind blew past her. She gasps, snapping her head to the side where she see's gojo roughly pinning sukuna against the tree by his neck, a serious look on his face, "...wha..?" she barely utters out just as rushed footsteps were heard.

(y/n) darts her eyes to the side, seeing two teenagers. one had black spiky haired while the other had auburn hair; a boy and girl.

"what do you think you're doing, sukuna?" gojo asks sukuna in a grim voice.

sukuna? wasn't he the person gojo asked about when he 'kidnapped' her? but what does that have to do with itadori? unless...(y/n) widened her eyes, the pieces coming together. wait a second, wasn't this the same deep voice which spoke to her when itadori came to visit her? there was also a mouth and eye on his face, could it be..her friend has a double personality?..or maybe he is possessed by this sukuna fellow?

holy moly, (y/n) was holding a conversation with an entity that is possessing her friend's body! she was suddenly afraid. It makes sense why he was acting weird and just staring at her. what if this sukuna was trying to hurt her?? But..he had all the time to do it while they were alone, yet he put a flower in her hair and said her name with such fondness.

this is all confusing for her. she did not understand. was sukuna evil or good? how is able to possess her friend? how did itadori even get possessed??! Just what is going on??!



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