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a/n: don't forget to comment.

the date was almost nearing for the battle sukuna will face against gojo. anxiety was the only thing (y/n) has been feeling these past days but she chose to hide it from her husband and uraume; both whom has perceptive eyes and can tell immediately if there was a shift in her behavior or moods.

the (h/c)-ette has been doing a lot of thinking lately and she knew she doesn't have the physical capability to stop sukuna from going through with this and potentially hurting the people she cares about, but that didn't mean her words could be ineffective.


the dimly lit room was thick with tension as the (h/c)-ette stands before sukuna, her hand resting gently on her belly, her face, usually bright and welcoming, was etched with worry. she was anxious to come and see him and talk about this manner but she has to push through.

"sukuna," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "..I need you to listen. you've been avoiding gojo and this whole situation with megumi...it's not going to end well. i think you should find some other way to resurrect your body without hurting anyone and maybe you should reconsider fighting my friends..

sukuna; whose cheek was resting on his palm, lounges nonchalantly on a plush armchair. he scoffs, "gojo's a nuisance, my dear. i have no interest in playing his games. and this boy's body is just a vessel. a temporary inconvenience but it has proven to be a good choice so far."

"...temporary?" (y/n)'s voice rose an octave, her brows furrowing as a flash of anger courses through her, "megumi is a person, sukuna! you can't just...take over his body and then leave him to die!!"

from the looks of it, it seems an argument was about to ensue between the married couple. it wasn't the first time the (h/c)-ette has tried to stop him from doing terrible things. yet the result always remains the same; he listens..but ignores her words afterwards.

sukuna's eyes narrowed, a flicker of irritation crossing his face, "he's a sorcerer. He's meant to be used.
Sacrificed. that's the way of things." he offhandedly says as if it's nothing.

(y/n)  took a deep breath, her fingers tightening around the fabric of her shirt, "..it's different now, sukuna!! we're going to have a child. our child. and i refuse to let him grow up in a world where you...—"

sukuna cut her off, his voice like a thunderclap, "don't you dare finish that sentence, (y/n). this is what i've always planned from the moment i became a cursed spirit, everything is falling into motion."

(y/n) flinches at his tone, but her resolve remained strong, "sukuna, this child...this child deserves a chance. A chance at a world where his father isn't a monster, a tyrant. A chance at a world where he can grow up free from the constant fear of your...your cruelty." she tries to reason with her husband.

sukuna's gaze softened, momentarily, a flicker of vulnerability passing across his face. He looked at (y/n), truly looked at her, at her (yet to be swollen) belly.

the times he had spent with her, the quiet moments of tenderness, the way she had always seen the man beneath the monster, they all surfaced in that moment.

But then, the familiar darkness returned to his eyes, jaw clenching tightly as he glares at her "you think this changes anything, wife? I will not be bound by this child. my power is my own, and I will use it as I see fit."

the (h/c)-ette's lips tightened, but a glimmer of hope remained in her eyes, "perhaps. but I won't let you hurt use megumi nor harm my friends! neither will I let you hurt our child by your actions. you may be a king, sukuna, but I am his mother. You will listen to me." she firmly speaks, standing her ground. enough is enough..—

sukuna stared at her for a long moment, his face unreadable.

then, he let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly, "very well, wife. For now, i will do as you ask. But don't think this means I have changed. this is a temporary truce, a concession to you and our...future. but the world needs to learn to fear me. And I will not hesitate to use my power when necessary."

(y/n) knows it was not the answer she had hoped for, but it was a start.

perhaps, just perhaps, she could find a way to make him understand, to show him that there was another path, a different way to wield his power. she had always believed in him, in the good that lay hidden beneath his darkness.

And now, (y/n) had a new reason to fight for a world where he could be more than just the king of curses. she had a child to protect, a future to build, and she would do everything in her power to ensure that both were safe.

ENJOY!!! Sorry for the short chapter, lololol!

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