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a/n: don't forget to comment. 🥺🥺

the air crackles with the remnants of cursed energy, the stench of destruction heavy in the air. (y/n) stands amidst the wreckage of shibuya, her face a mask of fury and horror.

earlier, after sukuna defeated mahoraga, he had also killed the blonde cursed user along the way. he had lifted both a shaken (y/n) and fushiguro over his shoulders and leaped in the air. he had quickly deposited the spike haired male to the jujutsu teachers; utahime and yaga before hauling the (h/c)-ette with him. he trusted no one with his wife's safety.

they had soon landed amongst the barren land of what was once part of shibuya, where the (h/c)-ette can only stumble back from the carnage before her.

"....sukuna," she says, her voice tinged with anger and trembling, "look at what you've done..." she whispers in disbelief, shoulders heavy as if a boulder dropped on her.

the king of curses approached beside her, tall and imposing in itadori's body, his red eyes glinting with a sadistic amusement, "it's quite the spectacle, isn't it?" he drawled, his voice dripping with mirth, "all that pathetic human life, so easily crushed. but it was worth it to defeat that beast." he casually says with no hints of remorse.

(y/n) widens her eyes at his words, "pathetic human lives..?" she whispers in disbelief; thinking of all the people whom were caught in this mess. children, teenagers, elderly people!

"I'M A HUMAN TOO, SUKUNA!!" she cries out, tears welling in her eyes, "this is my home!!!...how could you..?" she whispers the last part in a strained voice as she looks at him full of whirling emotions.

the amusement faded from sukuna's eyes, replaced by a flicker of something akin to annoyance. He didn't care for these humans, their lives so fragile, so replaceable. But he cared for (y/n); his wife.

despite what he felt, sukuna didn't like it when his wife's glimmering (e/c) orbs were full of tears; to see them waver in despair, to see her in pain, it was something he was not used to, something he didn't like.

"(y/n)," he says, his voice softer, closer to a growl, "It was merely a...entertainment." okay, maybe he shouldn't have said that as she is now glaring at him. the king of curses should have known she would react like this considering in terms of his actions, they were like water and oil fighting about what he did.

"entertainment?" she spat, jutting her finger at the collapsed buildings and the barren land, "people died, sukuna!! people you could have saved; avoided! these are innocent lives!! humans aren't toys that you can just kill for fun!"

even though she says this, she knew sukuna could care less about other people, this is all just wishful thinking on her part hoping that her husband could spare just a bit of mercy.

sukuna didn't apologize. there was no need for such a feeble gesture. He couldn't bring back the dead with a sorry. but he wouldn't deny the ache in his chest, the prickling awareness of having hurt her.

"i will not apologize, my dear. when you married me, you took vows to stand by me in...good or bad. you know this is my nature, how i revel in chaos and control," he says, looking at her with narrowed eyes, his voice rough, "but..." he pauses, after seeing her sobbing face, the words catching in his throat, "I...I will try to be more...considerate." He grits out in annoyance, clenching his fists tight. if that would appease his wife, he shall...try..?

(y/n)'s eyes, though still angry, softened slightly, "try?" she pressed, her voice tinged with disbelief, "what's there to try!??..before the end of all this, would there even be a city left!?" her shoulders slumped in defeat as she looks at the barren land before her.

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