Good Ending

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the crackling fire cast dancing shadows on (y/n)'s face, her eyes fixed on the flames. sukuna, ever stoic, watches her from his usual perch on a nearby rock.
he was quiet, a rare occurrence, and the silence was filled with the quiet rustle of leaves and the distant howl of a wolf.

"do you remember when i asked you if you recall the first time we met?" the (h/c)-ette asks, her voice soft, her gaze still on the fire. she had asked him this question when yorozu was involved that one incident to separate her and sukuna.

sukuna tilted his head, a slight flicker of something akin to amusement in his eyes, "a simple encounter, a villager and a..guest."

"a guest?" (y/n) scoffs, a hint of teasing in her voice, "you were far from a guest, sukuna. You were a whirlwind of chaos, an unyielding force."

"and yet, you felt no fear," sukuna murmured, "that intrigued me. Most cowered, yet you stood your ground, even when I threatened your village."

(y/n) chuckles, a sound that was both light and tinged with amusement, "i was afraid. Terrified, even. But I wouldn't let you hurt my people."

"you offered yourself in their place," sukuna states, his voice low and husky, "a foolish, impulsive move, by any standard."

"I made that decision on instinct, sukuna. My heart told me to do it. I didn't think, I just...acted," (y/n) explains, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks, "It was for my village, was also..for you, perhaps.'

sukuna's eyes narrowed, his gaze intense, "for me? why?"

(y/n) sighs, looking up at him, "you were unlike any other being I had ever seen. your strength, your cruelty. it was all so different. You were a storm, and I was drawn to it." she reminisces.

"drawn?" sukuna scoffed, a hint of surprise in his tone, "a being of your kindness, drawn to a monster like me?"

"you weren't a monster then," (y/n) countered, her gaze unwavering, "not to me. you were...a mystery, a force that i wanted to understand."

sukuna sat up straighter, his gaze fixed on her.

he had never seen her like this, so vulnerable, so open. this woman, who had defied him, who had shown him kindness in his darkest hour...she had captured his interest, his attention, his heart.

"perhaps," he said, his voice gruff but softer than it had been in years, "perhaps I was not a monster to you, (y/n). perhaps I was a shadow in your eyes."

the fire crackled, its flames dancing higher, reflecting the burgeoning warmth in their shared gaze. Ever since sukuna had chosen a truce with gojo for the sakw of his wife, the couple had decided to live in the mountainous areas because lets face it, it was still odd and wary amongst the sorcerers for the king of curses to be around them, hence why the couple live in seclusion.

it was the beginning of a new chapter that would last through lifetimes and beyond. The king of curses and the woman who dared to see his heart, their story had only just begun.


the crisp mountain air whipped at (y/n)'s face as she watched sukuna stand at the edge of their clifftop home. The sun was setting, casting his imposing figure in an orange glow.

despite the picturesque scene, a shiver ran down her spine. He was always like this, a brooding storm cloud on the horizon.

"you shouldn't be so close to the edge," she said, her voice gentle despite the underlying worry.

sukuna didn't turn. his gaze remained fixed on the fiery sunset, "this is the only place where I can feel...something," he murmured, his voice rough like sandpaper.

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