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a/n: don't forget to comment! Two chapters in one day!! Yay!

up, down, up, down. (y/n)'s knee bounced anxiously as she sits stiff on a lone and singular chair, being scrutinized by a gruff looking male with a beard and glasses. He seems like the type to be a yakuza, although the multitude of stuffed toys in the room would give the impression otherwise.

gojo stands to the side leaning against one of the pillars, arms crossed as he stands coolly while observing the situation. what is he trying to do??

the gruff man's name was yaga. (y/n) was introduced before being seated on the chair. Apparently, he is also a teacher. He looks at her stiff posture, examining her. He is pretty much filled in by gojo about the situation regarding her and sukuna.

throughout jujutsu history, it is completely unheard of sukuna taking a lover in the heian era. There were so many texts and archives from sorcerers of their time yet none disclosed any of this, which means it was meant to be kept a secret.

sigh, yaga felt...in a way...pity for her. to think she was..is?..ryomen sukuna's lover? it was like signing a death warrant and she is only eighteen currently?? he can't imagine how it was for her past self to be with someone as cold-blooded, merciless and sadistic as him. (y/n) is just an ordinary human and she is being dragged into the jujutsu world just like that!

yaga takes one of his plush dolls he made, examining it before plopping it down onto her lap, startling her. he did not imbue curse energy into it, so it was just a regular plush he had previously handmade before usage.

(y/n) reluctantly picks up the plush bear, a small blush on her cheeks as she hugs it to her chest. call her childish but she needed some sort of comfort right now. her (e/c) hues peer at yaga from under her lashes. a small smile plasters itself onto her face.

gojo, who saw it, pulls a grin of his own on his pink lips.

the sorcerer teases yaga, his former sensei, "who knew yaga-sensei can be so kind~." He laughs, making the gruff male glare at him as he sends his curse imbued plushes to attack gojo, who activated his infinity.

(y/n) gapes at the scene before her. The plushies...were moving on their own??!...not to mention when they attempted to 'attack' gojo, they were unable to get even close, "what is this sorcery??" she mumbles in disbelief.

yaga clears his throat, realizing he nor gojo did not explain anything yet, "alright, so let's begin shall we?" (y/n) reluctantly nods, "to start off, we're in a place called jujutsu high, it is a school for students who..." he then goes on a in-depth explanation about people who are born with the ability to see cursed spirits and people who are born into special clans with cursed energy who can use blood-line techniques or if even if they are not from a prestigious clan, the person is still capable of becoming a jujutsu sorcerer.

yaga then goes on to talk about the heian era; more specifically, ryomen sukuna.

At this, (y/n) sits up straight to pay attention. she keeps hearing that name, not to mention her two encounters with him (her first meet when itadori visited and the second during the park) and the fact gojo and yaga seem to find a connection between her and sukuna hence why she keeps coming back to this place.

"...i still don't understand," (y/n) bites her lip, exhaling as frustration courses through her, "i don't know a ryomen sukuna!!...and only recently i just met the guy! I don't see what the big deal is!..i know he's some dangerous king of curses, but what does that have to do with me!!? isn't it your battle against him?? i'm just an ordinary girl, i don't even know anything about this...jujutsu stuff..!" she huffs out, feeling confused and about to cry from being overwhelmed!

yaga and gojo exchange glances.

yaga adjusts his shades, clearing his throat as he gives (y/n) a pitying look, "...regarding ryomen sukuna...it has everything to do with you, (y/n)." he sighs, "according to satoru, it seems after a thorough analysis of the interaction and behavior sukuna displayed towards you, he has come to the conclusion that you may...have been his lover during the heian era." he says.

(y/n) is initially stunned and horrified by the revelation. her??? she cannot grapple with the realization that she may have a connection to such an evil entity. If this is all true, then how can her past self think to even love someone whom murdered thousands??..and is still seeking to cause harm!?

yaga sees the shock on her face and continues on after giving her a moment to gather herself, "...uhm..we're not exactly sure how far this relationship had went." he sighs, "this came quite as a shock to the rest of us as well considering no one would believe sukuna could even love, yet alone attain a lover," he rubs the bridge between his nose.

(y/n) laughs weakly, catching their attention as she slowly looks at them, her body heavy it felt like lead, "..this is just..based off of conclusions, there is no solidified proof! not to mention if sukuna did have a lover, how do you know it's even me!? it could be anyone and he's just tricking you by using me! there is no way i could be born in the heian era and reincarnated into a new life! there's no way!!" she is in denial. she did not want to fathom nor think this was possible!

this has to be a joke! (y/n) desperately tries to believe, clutching onto the sides of her chair with a tight grip.

gojo then speaks, seeing her meltdown before his eyes. honestly, even hearing this type of news would make anyone fall into depression, but this is the truth, and it can be either accepted or rejected, but doing the latter will help nobody, "...according to itadori yuji, it is not a lie."

(y/n) snaps her head up upon hearing her friend's name, lips parted, "...yuji?...what would he know?" she weakly asks.

gojo explains that despite sukuna taking over itadori's body, itadori can still see through the connection he shares with the king of curses. kind of like a mind-link. He then proceeds to tell her how the pinkette noticed sukuna's odd behavior towards her, which in itself was proof enough, considering everyone in the jujutsu society knows how merciless sukuna is to anyone; friend or foe.

(y/n) sits slumped on the chair, "..what's gonna happen to me now?.." she asks hesitantly, still clutching onto the stuffed bear like vicious snake around its prey.

yaga explains that the higher-ups will no doubt hear word about this someway or the other. any news in the jujutsu community was bound to get out and if it does, they will instantly send someone to get rid of her. thus, it is in (y/n)'s best interest if she stayed with them at jujutsu high where they gojo can safeguard her.

After all, she is an innocent human. neither yaga nor gojo want to see blood shed because the higher-ups got a twist up their underwear. It wasn't fair to attack a non-sorcerer with no means to defend herself.

"..but what about my school?! it's my last year in high-school!" (y/n) argues, she cannot believe she has to suddenly drop everything in her life for her own protection!

"satoru will handle it." yaga says, patting her head sympathetically. the information was too much for her to take that gojo led her out gently, walking her to the dorm rooms where she will now stay.

(y/n) lays on the bed with a haunted look on her face, unable to sleep.



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