Memories #1

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The wind whipped through the rice fields, carrying with it the scent of rain and the distant cries of cicadas.

(y/n)'s hands were calloused from years of labor. she knelt amongst the stalks, carefully tending to the seedlings. She was aware of a presence, a heavy, oppressive aura that lingered in the clearing...

"just admiring the work, little one," the voice was gravelly, like stones scraping against stone. (y/n) glances up to see ryomen sukuna, the king of curses, standing behind her; his tall, muscular build towering her.

His crimson eyes, as sharp as shards of glass, pierced through her.

"..sukuna...what are you doing here?" she asks curious, she expected someone as powerful as him had better things to do than linger around a common villager like her. this wasn't the first time he has come near her after all...

"ho? i need your permission to come around here?" he chuckles, his voice softened slightly though the underlying menace remained. He knelt beside her, his powerful presence radiating heat even though the air was cool.

"These are strong plants. You have a good touch." sukuna observes her work. normally he never bothered with what villagers would do, his mindset was often; they are below and i am above. so why does he keep coming around a certain (h/c)-ette? what is it that keep drawing him to her.?

(y/n)'s face is hot, surprised by his unexpected compliment, "erm...thank you."

"You remind me of a tiny, tenacious weed," he said, a rare smile playing on his lips, "one that somehow manages to thrive even in the harshest conditions."

sukuna reaches out, his fingers long and sender as he brushes against a stalk of rice. He watches it sway in the wind, a contemplative frown forming on his face. "these fields are your lifeblood, aren't they?"

(y/n) didn't know why she was engaging in conversation with him but she nodded anways, her eyes mirroring the fragility of the delicate plants.

"they are. i depend on them to survive."

"and what happens if they fail?" sukuna's voice was a whisper, barely audible above the wind.

"then, i would struggle," she murmurs, a slight fear in her voice as she knows how difficult the struggle is in this time and women like her are not supposed to work in such fields.

sukuna leans closer, his eyes searching hers, "fear is a powerful emotion, woman. It can cripple you." His voice dropped to a murmur.

he looks away, staring towards the horizon where the sun was beginning its descent. "I may be the king of curses," he says, his voice low and gravelly, "but even I can see the value of a strong heart." his gaze sharpens.

(y/n) is surprised by his unexpected honesty. she found herself looking at him with a newfound respect.

"sukuna...," she began hesitantly.

He turned back to face her, his expression unreadable. she observes him for a moment before whispering, "thank you. For your...concern."

A flicker of something - perhaps amusement, perhaps something deeper - crossed his face. He didn't answer, simply gave her a curt nod before disappearing into the shadows.

(y/n) watched him go, a strange sense of warmth spreading through her. He was terrifying, yes, and undoubtedly dangerous, but there was something else to him, something she couldn't quite understand.

As she stood amidst her precious rice plants, she knew that her life was about to become far more complicated. But perhaps, just perhaps, it would also become far more interesting.



There was a rustling through the green foliage of trees, the occasional snap of a small twig crunched under (y/n)'s sandals as she treaded carefully through the mountains trees.

she was heading to a small shrine to say her respective prayers. she lifts her hand to brush away a branch obscuring her view as she founded a small clearing. her (e/c) orbs widens as a gasp escapes her lips.

there, leaning against a gnarled willow, was the king of curses. ryomen sukuna. He looked like a fallen god, his monstrous physique marred by deep gashes from his arms to his abdomen, his face contorted in anger.

despite the fear that gripped her heart, seeing him like this, so vulnerable (in her opinion), stirred a strange sense of pity within her. the (h/c)-ette flinches as his red irises meet hers, his face shows annoyance.

sukuna clicks his tongue, "'s you. tch, stay the hell away." his voice was a guttural growl, his eyes burning with a dangerous light, "do you not fear death?" his voice was deep and velvety tone, "shouldn't you hate me?"

(y/n) ignores his warning as she rushes to his side, kneeling beside him. The sight of his wounds, the crimson staining the bark, ignited a familiar ache in her chest. This was the same pain she felt for the villagers, for her own home, the remnants a charred memory.

the (h/c)-ette shakes her head, her gaze unwavering, "..i cannot forget what you did," she admitted, a tear sliding down her cheek, "but I cannot leave you to suffer either. It is in my nature to help those in need, even if they you."

sukuna keeps quiet.

"your wounds..." she whispered, gently touching his muscular arm, "they need tending to."

he stares at her. his gaze filled with a mixture of anger as he lets out a scoff. her fingers gently pressing against the wound, the pain radiating through him. Yet, beneath the pain, a strange sensation rippled through him - a feeling of warmth, almost...comfort?

sukuna watches as her nimble fingers, calloused from years of farm work, moved with an almost reverent touch, cleaning the blood and carefully applying medicinal herbs which she hurriedly scoured from the forest and began grinding it with a rock to make a paste.

For the first time, (y/n) noticed the flicker of something unexpected in his eyes. It wasn't amusement, anger, annoyance or sadism, but a strange, almost confused curiosity. He was a monster, a force of destruction, but right now; in her eyes, all he was a wounded creature, a burden she carried with her own pain.

"heh, you're a foolish human..." he chuckles amused by her actions, the words barely going past her ear. He can kill her right now and end all this mysteriousness between them. emotions and feelings are a waste of time and completely useless.

the (h/c)-ette smiles, a bittersweet curve of her lips, "i am a villager. We are taught to be kind, even to those who bring us harm." she calmly says.

(y/n) looked up, her eyes meeting his as she continues, "it is not my nature to hate," she said softly, "even if it's justified. It is in my nature to heal, to offer compassion..."

As the minutes went by, his annoyance seemed to dissipate as he watched her work. She moved with a gentle grace, her touch surprisingly soothing, despite the devastation he had wrought upon her village.

sukuna stared at her, his gaze intense, his emotions unreadable. He felt a strange tenderness rising within him, a feeling he had never experienced before. This woman, who had lost (almost) everything at his hands, was offering him mercy...

As silence settled around them, (y/n) felt a strange harmony build.

The king of curses, the destroyer of her village, and a simple villager, united by the common thread of fate. It was a moment of unexpected peace..


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