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(y/n) was with uraume in the zenin clan's household. the place was entirely empty except for the two..and kenjaku. she wonders what happened to the people...until she saw the blood stains and some ruined parts of the home.

the female sat stiff as the white-bob haired person brushes her hair with a traditional tsuge comb. she sits on the tatami floor with uraume behind her. the (h/c)-ette had never seen them before, only heard about them from sukuna.

"there," uraume straightened up, pulling their hands away from the (h/c)-ette with a stoic face, "all done."

(y/n), still frozen, stared at her reflection in the polished metal of a handheld mirror. her normally loose hair was now a sleek, braided masterpiece. It felt...alien considering she always lets her hair loose or put up.

"wow..you did a good job," she managed, her voice small as she turns her head back a little, praising uraume, "but you didn't have to go through all that trouble," she looks down, feeling like sukuna didn't have to push such simple responsibilities onto them when she can take care of herself just fine.

uraume chuckled, a low, throaty sound that sent a shiver down the (h/c)-ette's spine, "sukuna-sama has good taste. You, my dear, are a beautiful woman. You are my lady as well and this is nothing short of trouble for me." they say with a stoic and calm voice.

(y/n) blushes, her fingers instinctively reaching for the braid, "erm...sukuna...he talks very highly of you. back then, in the heian era, he would sometimes slip your name and it brought me a sense of curiosity." she admits, her hands in her lap as she watches them in wonder.

uraume's eyes were dark and intense as they met (e/c) ones, the two facing each other now, "he is a good master." there was a pause, "i am proud to serve him till my dying breath and since you are his lady, i am also at your service. sukuna-sama can definitely be unpredictable at times.."

(y/n)'s heart skipped a beat. she knew what uraume meant. sukuna, for all his charm and power, could be dangerous, volatile. her life with him was a constant balancing act, a tightrope walk between love and fear; life and death.

"and you, uraume?" (y/n) asked reluctantly, "why are you so...loyal?" she was genuinely curious and they could see that.

"hm..," uraume hummed, an unsettling glint in their eyes, "that is a question best answered with a demonstration." and with that, they turned away, leaving (y/n) alone in the room to her own vices and lingering curiosity.

she gazes out the window, wondering where sukuna is. he had left earlier without telling her where he was going. he is a sly one after all. she decides to leave the room and roam the household grounds wearing a white kimono with blue detailing..

she sits by the pond by herself when she sees a massive shadow hovering her. speak of the devil and he shall appear. (y/n) glances back with a soft smile in her startled voice, "sukuna..!" she stands up, dusting off her kimono as she faces her husband, who gazes at her with an abnormal soft look in his red hues, "i was just thinking about you.." she bashfully says, averting her eyes to the side.

sukuna raises an eyebrow in amusement, cupping her jaw in his hold as he held her delicately, his body touching hers, "is that so?" (y/n) nods. his red hues dart to a flower in one of the bushes and plucks it from its stem, tucking it in her hair gently. Only with her, was he ever so soft and caring. he doesn't show this side to anyone.

"uraume is preparing dinner for you, come." neither sukuna, uraume or kenjaku needs food except for (y/n), and for the king of curses, she is always top priority.

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