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a/n: don't forget to comment.

there was a potent energy, a strange, familiar buzz in the room that made the king of curses narrow his eyes. he observes the sitting room he was in seeing it was only him and his wife. he was wondering where this energy was coming from and concentrated a bit more...

sukuna glances at (y/n), her face a mask of serenity as she read a book on the tatami mat.

"(y/n)," he said, his voice low and gruff, "come here."

the (h/c)-ette looked up, her brow furrowed in confusion, "what is it, sukuna?" she gets up from her spot, approaching her husband till she stood in front of  him, wondering what is going on...

he beckoned her closer with a curled finger, "I need you to do something for me. stand still and close your eyes."

(y/n) obeyed, her confusion growing. she could not see what her husband is doing but merely trusting him.

sukuna's gaze dropped to her stomach, his hand instinctively reaching out to graze it. A shiver ran down his spine.

he leans in, placing his hand on her stomach. The energy thrummed, a constant, pulsating rhythm he knew intimately. he had felt it countless times before, coursing through his own veins, but this...this was different.

there was a presence, a life brewing within her, a cursed energy that was both alien and familiar.

his lips curled into a grin, a rare and almost disarming sight. "you're pregnant," he announced, his voice barely a whisper.

(y/n) blinked, her eyes wide with surprise as she looks down at her husband whose hand was still on her. she didn't think he would figure it out so soon, "you know?" her words prompted him to dart his eyes to her.

"you knew?" sukuna asks, which she nods. she explains how she was planning to tell him but it seemed he found out before she could.

"so it's true," the king of curses chuckled, his hand tightening on her stomach, "I can feel it. you're carrying a child with jujutsu."

(y/n)'s surprise quickly morphed into confusion, "wait, what do you mean?" does this mean the child is sukuna's or...fushiguro's. her face twists in horror as she realizes this baby could...might belong to the young male, whom sukuna was inhabiting...but what if it's not..?..why is this so confusing!??!

This is all her fault!! if only she had been more firm with the king of curses and not easily succumb to his inhibitions, none of this would've happened! how can she potentially make fushiguro a father at such a young age?!!...even tho it was sukuna who committed the act!! does that make sukuna the father instead??!

With how japan is right now, it is difficult to find anyone who can perform an abortion, but even if she did want one, sukuna would oppose and...she truthfully always wanted a child of her own...and she was going to have one, but those sorcerers killed it!

what will she do??..this whole situation is messed up...—!!

"it'," sukuna paused, deliberating his words as he snaps (y/n) from her thoughts; her gaze falling on him, "it's like a part of me, a piece of my cursed energy, embedded within you, not this fushiguro brat; although i wouldn't be surprised if our child has traces of his dna as well or inherited the zenin's clan most powerful technique. It's....remarkable."

(y/n) swallowed nervously, "but...I'm not a sorcerer. how is this possible?" sure she was pregnant before in the heian era with sukuna's child, but she wonders if her unborn child (who died) would've also been born to be a sorcerer and she didn't notice. her husband hadn't the chance to tell her tho before she and the babe died.

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