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a/n: don't forget to comment!!

The air in the archive room was thick with the scent of aged paper and dust. towering shelves, crammed with ancient scrolls and leather-bound books, stretched as far as the eye could see. (y/n) runs a finger along the spines of a dusty shelf, her gaze full of awe and curiosity.

"woah.." she whispers, her back still facing gojo, "this place is...overwhelming." despite not being a sorcerer she could still feel a strange energy in the room, sending shivers down her spine.

"do you think we can really find something in here? it'll take us hours to go through these!" she huffs in frustration, wishing there was an easier way but there is no such thing as 'easy.'

gojo replies with a smug tone, "never underestimate what two people can do, (y/n)." his characteristic smirk softening into a thoughtful frown, "yaga and i may have been thorough, but we were focused on the more obvious connections. there's a chance something crucial could be tucked away here, hidden in plain sight." he points out.

(y/n) sighs and shrugs, "i suppose you're right. even the most powerful sorcerer can miss something, especially when it comes to the complexities of curses and ancient history." she remarks, facing him fully after observing some weird books..?

gojo's eyes glimmers with a mischievous glint, "besides, i wouldn't miss out on the chance to see a non-sorcerer like you lose yourself in this fascinating mess of knowledge," he teases.

(y/n) rolls her eyes, "you're incorrigible, gojo," she lets out a resigned sigh, "but alright, let's get to work. I suppose any piece of information could be relevant."

"focusing on specifics will be much better," gojo pauses, "what kind of information are you looking for?" he asks her, facing his body in her direction as he holds some scrolls.

(y/n) bit her lip unsure, "...anything about my connection to sukuna, I guess," she says hesitantly, "maybe there is more information buried in here that i'd like to find out," she pauses, "... anything would work." 

"ah," gojo mused, his smile fading slightly. he lowered a scroll, his expression serious for a moment, "that's not a lot to go on, even from this colossal archive." he murmurs under his breath, sighing, "alright, we'll look for anything that connects you to sukuna. his past, his motivations, anything that might help us understand the bond you two have. even the smallest detail could be a clue." the white haired male says, his tone serious.

(y/n) stares at gojo, shifting her weight.

"...i want to understand this connection, (y/n). for you, for the world, for everyone." gojo says.

the (h/c)-ette nods solemnly, "then let's begin. we have a lot of information to sift through before we can find anything in this colossal library..?" he chuckles at her tone.

they soon walk the aisles and gather up anything related to sukuna since obviously there was no record of the (h/c)-ette at all. why would there be? gojo and the other didn't even know about her ties with the king of curses till now!

gojo and (y/n) sat down amongst the towering shelves, their fingers going through each of the age-worn scrolls. As they delved deeper into the mountains of knowledge, a sense of urgency settled upon them. The answer they sought might be hidden within the pages of these forgotten archives, awaiting discovery...

from time to time, (y/n) would glance at gojo, biting her lip. A question lingers in the back of her throat before she finally had enough of holding it in.

"....so...why are you doing this?" she asks, the question finally escaping her lips, "why are you helping me?"

gojo pauses, he doesn't look at her for a while before responding, "..because it's interesting."

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