chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Unveiling the Truth

The rush of performing on their debut stage again was exhilarating, but the nagging mystery of the photographs weighed heavily on Taehyung's mind.
As the last notes of their song faded away, he turned to Jungkook, who had been by his side through this entire bewildering journey.

Walking down the stage towards the backstage, taehyung pulled jungkook in a corner away from the crowd of staff members who rushed to attend them.

He made eye contact with jimin who was looking at him with worry filled in his eyes scared from the happenings.
He smiled at jimin who mirrored his expression and nodded at him before following everyone into the room.

"We need to figure out what those pictures mean," Taehyung said, his voice low but resolute.
He pulled jungkook to himself wanting to feel him close.

Jungkook nodded, his eyes reflecting the same determination. "Let's go back and take another look. There has to be a clue we missed." He said caressing taehyung's head before hugging him gently.

After some time as they made their way back to the room, a sudden shimmer of light enveloped them once more, transporting them back to the dorm's living room.
The photographs still lay scattered on the coffee table, waiting to reveal their secrets.

Jin and the other members gathered around, their curiosity piqued. "Let's examine them again," Jin suggested. "There has to be something we're not seeing."

Taehyung and Jungkook picked up the photograph of them together.
Taehyung's fingers traced the edges of the image, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized every detail. And then, he saw it-a faint, almost imperceptible symbol in the corner of the photo.

"Look here," Taehyung pointed out, showing the others the tiny mark.

Jungkook leaned in closer, his brow furrowing in concentration. "It's a symbol, but what does it mean?"

Jin, ever perceptive, recognized it immediately.

But before he could say anything yoongi ,who was standing beside him spoke out
"That's the symbol of the ancient artifact we read about-the one said to control time."

Jin nodded in agreement as collective gasp filled the room as the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.
The artifact was not just a legend-it was real, and it was the key to their predicament.

"We need to find it," Jungkook said urgently. "If the artifact is causing this time loop, then it's the only thing that can stop it."

"But how can we do it?" Hoseok voiced out the obvious.

Their mission was clear, but the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty.
Taehyung and Jungkook shared a determined glance, their bond stronger than ever as they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"We will do it" Taehyung and jungkook said together. Everyone looked at them in consern.

"But-" jimin got stopped by jungkook
"-hyung we can do it, just believe in us and the symbol is marked in our picture-" jungkook said

"-and their is only one picture of me and jungkook with the mark,
beside the other pictures are of everyone together. This sure means something right?" Taehyung continued looking at everyone asking for approval.

"Yeah this makes sense" hobi said looking at the mentioned picture of taehyung and jungkook with the symbol on it.

"Yeah you're right tae but, we're just worried about you guys", namjoon sighed rubbing his forehead.
Everyone nodded at the leader's statement.

Everyone was silent looking at eachother's face exchanging glances.
They don't know what to say or deside, at last everyone looked at the leader for him to make a final decision about this matter.

Sensing that everyone's looking at him, namjoon sighed.
"Okay let's do this. You both please take care of yourselves hmm?" The leader said looking at the two younger boys.

"Yes we will" Taehyung and jungkook said together, smiling lightly at the leader.



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