chapter 27

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Chapter 27: The Mischief of Yoonmin

The next morning dawned bright and clear, casting a warm glow over the boys dorm. The previous day's fun and laughter had left everyone in high spirits, ready to face whatever new mischief awaited them.

Yoongi, however, was not quite as enthusiastic. He yawned as he shuffled into the kitchen, where Jimin was already sipping on a cup of coffee, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Morning, hyung," Jimin greeted cheerfully.

Yoongi grumbled something unintelligible in response, still half-asleep.

Jimin's grin widened. "You know, hyung, I was thinking. Since you lost that bet yesterday, you have to fulfill your end of the bargain."

Yoongi's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What bargain? And when did we make a bet?"

"For you i might-" yoongi tried to reach for the phone from where this cursed sound was coming from. But groned when he couldn't.

Jimin that little-

Jimin's eyes sparkled with delight. "You promised to wear a cat costume for a whole day when everything's over."

Yoongi groaned, realizing jimin was twisting his words, but as long as he remembered and heard just now, he didn't made such a promise.
"I thought you were joking. And i didn't made any promises as you can hear the recording"

"I know hyung, you didn't," he smiled cunningly looking kinda seductive leaning towards yoongi who was on the other side of the kitchen counter, giving a sense of deja vu to yoongi
"But who cares about the recording, you're going to do it for me anyways" Jimin said, his voice laced with amusement.
"And I have the perfect costume all ready for you."

Yoongi was trapped in the games of park jimin for sure.


A short while later,
Min Yoongi emerged from his room, dressed in a full cat costume complete with ears and a tail.
The sight was enough to send the rest of the members into fits of laughter.

"Looking good, Yoongi-hyung!" Taehyung called out, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Yeah, you really pull off the cat look," Jungkook added, barely containing his laughter.

Yoongi scowled, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "You just wait, Jimin. I'll get you back for this."

Jimin shrugged, unbothered. Clicking thousands of pictures of yoongi "Promises, promises."

"There was no promises"

As the day progressed, Yoongi endured a series of teasing remarks and endless photo requests from the members, who found his predicament endlessly entertaining.

The real fun began when they arrived at the set for another day of filming.
The production crew's reactions were priceless, and the atmosphere was filled with laughter and lightheartedness.

"Alright, everyone," the director said, trying to keep a straight face as he addressed Yoongi, "today's theme is all about teamwork and trust. Let's see how well you work together."

The first challenge involved a series of trust exercises, including blindfolded navigation and trust falls. Yoongi, still in his cat costume, managed to maintain his usual calm demeanor, even as Jimin made a point of loudly commenting on how "adorable" he looked.
And how he might "adopte this cute cat".

During a break, Yoongi sat with Taehyung and Jungkook, who were still chuckling over his costume.

"You know," Taehyung said, "you could use this to your advantage."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "How?"

Jungkook leaned in, grinning. "Play along and then catch Jimin off guard when he least expects it. You've got to make it epic."

A slow smile spread across Yoongi's face. "You might be onto something."


As the day went on, the bickering between Yoongi and Jimin continued, much to everyone's amusement.
The games and challenges provided plenty of opportunities for Yoongi to plot his revenge.

By late afternoon, the final game was announced: a singing competition with a twist. Each member had to sing a song while the others tried to make them laugh or distract them.

Yoongi, still in his cat costume, was up first. He chose a ballad and began singing, his deep voice resonating through the room. The others immediately started trying to break his concentration, with Taehyung making funny faces and Jungkook doing exaggerated dance moves.

But Yoongi remained stoic, his gaze fixed on Jimin, who was trying to contain his laughter. Halfway through the song, Yoongi suddenly switched the lyrics, directing them at Jimin with a teasing tone.

"Jiminie, you think you're so clever,
But I'll be the cat, and you'll be my feather.
Laugh now, but wait and see,
I'll get my revenge, just wait for me."

The room erupted in laughter, and Jimin's face turned bright red.
"Hyung! That's not fair!"

Yoongi smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief. "All's fair in love and pranks, Jiminie."


Later that evening, back at the dorm, Yoongi put his plan into action. While the others were busy with dinner preparations, he slipped into Jimin's room and set up a hidden speaker under his bed. Connecting it to his phone, he prepared a playlist of eerie, spooky sounds and recorded messages designed to freak Jimin out.

That night, as everyone settled in, Yoongi waited patiently. Sure enough, as soon as the lights went out, the first sounds began to play.

"Jimin... Jiminie... Are you alone?" the voice whispered through the speaker.

Jimin shot up in bed, eyes wide. "Who's there?"

The spooky sounds continued, growing more intense.
Jimin bolted out of his room and into the living room, where Yoongi was waiting, a triumphant grin on his face.

"Hyung!" Jimin exclaimed, clutching his chest. "You scared the life out of me!"

Yoongi chuckled. "Revenge is sweet, Jiminie."

The other members, having heard the commotion, gathered around, laughing at Jimin's expense.

"Looks like Yoongi-hyung got the last laugh," Hoseok said, clapping Yoongi on the back.

Jimin pouted, but there was a smile on his lips. "Alright, hyung, you win this round."

As they all settled back down, the dorm filled with laughter and the comforting sense of camaraderie.
The playful bickering, the pranks, and the shared moments of joy were what made their bond so special.

And as they drifted off to sleep, they knew that no matter what challenges or mysteries awaited them, they would face it all together, with laughter and love guiding their way.

"You know hyung i can still take revenge on you by posting your pictures"

"Oh, try me jimine"

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