chapter 30

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Chapter 30: The Sunshine and the Grump

It was a typical morning at the BTS dorm, with the members slowly waking up and gathering in the kitchen for breakfast. Yoongi, ever the night owl, shuffled in last, his hair tousled and his face still etched with the remnants of sleep.

“Good morning, sunshine!” Jimin greeted brightly, his voice filled with a cheerfulness that contrasted sharply with Yoongi’s grumpy demeanor.

Yoongi grunted in response, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
He wasn’t much of a morning person, and Jimin’s endless energy was both a blessing and a challenge.

“Someone’s grumpy today,” Hoseok teased, nudging Yoongi playfully.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his coffee. “I’m always grumpy in the morning, Hobi. You know that.”

Jimin giggled, wrapping his arms around Yoongi from behind. “But you’re our grumpy hyung, and we love you for it.”

Yoongi couldn’t help but smile at Jimin’s affection, though he tried to hide it by taking another sip of his coffee. “Yeah, yeah. Just let me wake up in peace.”

The other members exchanged amused glances, clearly enjoying the dynamic between the two. It had only been a few days since Yoongi and Jimin had confessed their feelings, and the shift in their relationship was both obvious and endearing.

“Aw, look at Yoongi-hyung trying to act all tough,” Jungkook teased, grinning widely.

Taehyung joined in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “We all know you’re soft for Jimin, hyung. No use hiding it.”

Yoongi groaned, but the blush creeping up his neck betrayed him.
Jimin, on the other hand, basked in the attention, his smile growing even wider.

“Of course he’s soft for me,” Jimin said proudly, puffing out his chest. “Who wouldn’t be?”

Jin chuckled, shaking his head. “You two are too much. But it’s good to see you finally admitted your feelings.”

Namjoon nodded in agreement. “It’s about time. We’ve been waiting for this moment for ages.”

Jimin’s eyes sparkled with delight. “Well, you can thank me for being so irresistible.”

Yoongi huffed, trying to hide his embarrassment. “Alright, enough. Let’s just eat breakfast.”

As they all sat down to eat, the teasing didn’t stop. Every little interaction between Yoongi and Jimin was met with playful jabs and knowing looks from the other members. Jimin, ever the playful one, took every opportunity to tease Yoongi back.

“So, Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin began, a mischievous grin on his face. “Remember that time you wrote a whole song about me but didn’t want to admit it?”

Yoongi nearly choked on his coffee, his eyes wide with surprise. “Jimin!”

The room erupted in laughter, with Jimin basking in his victory.
“What? It’s a great song. I’m honored to be your muse.”

Yoongi sighed, rubbing his temples. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”

“Not a chance,” Jimin said, leaning over to kiss Yoongi’s cheek. “But you love me anyway.”

Despite his gruff exterior, Yoongi’s eyes softened, and he couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, I do.”

The rest of the breakfast was filled with light-hearted banter and laughter, the members enjoying the newfound dynamic in their group. Yoongi might have been grumpy, but Jimin’s sunshine personality was the perfect balance, bringing out a side of Yoongi that they all cherished.


As the day went on, the teasing continued, each member taking turns to poke fun at the new couple. But it was all in good spirits, and Yoongi found himself relaxing more and more, letting his guard down in ways he hadn’t before.

In the practice room later that day, the teasing took on a new level. They were working on a new choreography, and Jimin, ever the perfectionist, was guiding them through the steps.

“Yoongi-hyung, you’re a bit off-beat,” Jimin called out, a playful smirk on his lips.

Yoongi glared half-heartedly. “I’m trying, okay? Not everyone can be as perfect as you.”

Jimin’s grin widened. “You’re right. But you’re perfect to me.”

The room filled with groans and laughter, the other members clutching their sides in amusement.
Jimin's instant and straightforward flirting with yoongi is everything they wanted to see.

“Get a room, you two!” Hoseok shouted, barely able to contain his laughter.

Jimin just shrugged, unbothered. “Why? Are you jealous?”

Hoseok threw a playful punch at Jimin, who dodged it effortlessly, dancing away with a laugh. “Just focus on the dance, you goofball.”

Yoongi, despite his usual grumpiness, couldn’t help but laugh along with the others.
The joy and camaraderie in the room were infectious, and he felt grateful for his members who always made him feel at home.

As the practice continued, the teasing and laughter never ceased, and Yoongi found himself smiling more than he had in a long time. Jimin’s infectious energy and the support of their friends made everything better.

By the end of the day, they were all exhausted but happy. Yoongi and Jimin sat together, watching the sunset from the rooftop. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, a perfect end to a perfect day.

“Thanks for today, Jimin,” Yoongi said softly, his hand finding Jimin’s.

Jimin leaned his head on Yoongi’s shoulder, their fingers intertwining. “Anytime, hyung. I love seeing you happy.”

Yoongi smiled, pressing a kiss to Jimin’s forehead. “With you, I always am.”

As they sat there, basking in the fading light, Yoongi realized just how lucky he was. With Jimin by his side and the support of their friends, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
Together, they could conquer anything, one playful bicker at a time.

"I'm gonna use your cat outfit image as my wallpaper in every single device i own-"

"-And the devices you own."

Yoongi groned as jimin smiled sweetly at him "ask me why your devices too"

"Why my devices jimin?"

Jimin smiled shifting closer to yoongi "because from now on your everything belongs to me, your clothes, devices and most importantly," he leaned near the olders ear wishpering

Yep jimin is too much for yoongi to handle.

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