chapter 10

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Chapter 10 : A New Mystery Unfolds

The dorm was unusually quiet as the members of BTS enjoyed a rare, lazy afternoon after the hard practice.
They had just finished a hearty lunch prepared by Jin and were lounging in the living room, basking in the calm.

Taehyung and Jungkook were snuggled together on the couch, their fingers intertwined as they watched a movie. Yoongi and Jimin were engaged in a lighthearted debate about the best rap verses in their songs, both giving old married couples vibe who's bickring over something, while Namjoon and Jin quietly discussed new song ideas.

Suddenly, the peace was interrupted by a loud knock on the door.
Hoseok, who had been dozing off, jolted awake and glanced around, confused. "Is anyone expecting visitors?"

Everyone shook their heads. Jin got up to answer the door, the others following close behind, curiosity piqued.

Jin opened the door to find a small package on the doorstep, with no sign of who had left it.
He picked it up and brought it inside, setting it on the coffee table as the members gathered around. All of them looking at eachother in confusion.

The package was unmarked, save for a small, cryptic note attached:
"For BTS, another journey awaits."

"Another mystery?" Namjoon mused, his brows furrowing. "We've barely recovered from the last one."

Yoongi leaned in closer, inspecting the package. "Should we open it? It could be anything," He shrugged "like a bomb."

Hobi shivered after listening to yoongi hiding behind jungkook
"If there's a bomb inside it then jungkookie will protect me"

"Of course hyung" jungkook smiled looking at hobi while patting his hands in comfort.

Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged excited glances, their curiosity getting the better of them.
"Now that it's confirmed that i'll protect hobi hyung...Let's open it," Jungkook said eagerly.

With a nod of agreement, Jin carefully unwrapped the package.
Inside was a small, ornate box, intricately carved with symbols none of them recognized. He opened it to reveal an old, worn map, along with a peculiar compass that seemed to glow faintly.

Hoseok picked up the map, coming back to his place from behind jungkook, spreading it out on the table.
"What is this place?" he wondered aloud, relieved that it's not a bomb. 
He traced the unfamiliar terrain with his finger.

Jimin examined the compass, watching as the needle spun erratically before settling on a direction.
"This isn't any ordinary compass," he remarked. "It feels... magical."

Namjoon nodded in agreement. "This map and compass must be connected to another mystery we need to solve. But what could it be leading us to?"

As they pondered the significance of their new discovery, the excitement in the room was palpable.
Another adventure awaited them, and they were ready to face it together.

To lighten the mood, Taehyung playfully poked Jungkook's side. "Ready for another round of saving lives, detective Jungkook?"

Jungkook grinned, pulling Taehyung closer. "Always, especially with you by my side. And yeah we're not saving lives"

Jin watched them with a fond smile. "You two make quite the team."

Yoongi, not to be left out, nudged Jimin. "Looks like we need to brush up on our sleuthing skills, too."

Jimin laughed, leaning into Yoongi. "As long as you don't get too jealous this time."

Yoongi rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile. "No promises."

Hoseok clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention.
"Alright, team. Looks like we've got another mystery on our hands. Let's figure this out together."

As they gathered around the table, studying the map and compass, their bond grew even stronger. They knew that whatever lay ahead, they would face it as a united front, just as they always had.

The room buzzed with excitement and anticipation, the thrill of a new adventure rekindling their spirits. And amid the mystery and curiosity, the love and friendship they shared shone brightly, a beacon guiding them forward.

With renewed determination, they set out on their new journey, ready to uncover the secrets that awaited them and to create even more unforgettable memories together.

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