chapter 17

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Chapter 17: love and determination

The next morning, the BTS dorm was filled with a sense of purpose. The members, now protectors of an ancient artifact, were ready to face any challenge. But amidst the seriousness of their mission, their bonds of love and friendship continued to flourish.

After a quick breakfast, the group decided to take a brief respite in the park.
The fresh air and blooming flowers provided a perfect backdrop for them to relax and gather their thoughts. Taehyung and Jungkook, as always, strolled hand in hand along the winding paths.

"Do you think we're ready for this?" Jungkook asked, his voice filled with both excitement and concern.

Taehyung squeezed his hand, offering a reassuring smile. "We've faced so much together already, Kookie. We can handle this. And besides, we have each other and the hyungs."

Jungkook's eyes softened as he looked at Taehyung. "You're right. As long as we're together, we can do anything."

They found a secluded bench and sat down, removing their masks, their hands still entwined.
Taehyung leaned in, capturing Jungkook's lips in a tender kiss. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of their love.

Nearby, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok were engaged in their usual playful banter. Jimin, ever the tease, couldn't resist poking fun at Yoongi.

"So, Yoongi-hyung, any plans to use your grumpy cat powers today?" Jimin asked, grinning mischievously.

Yoongi rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile.
"Keep it up, Jimin, and I'll show you just how grumpy I can be."

Hoseok laughed, draping an arm around Yoongi's shoulders. "Come on, hyung, you know you love us the most."

Yoongi sighed, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah. You both are so fucking lucky I do."

Jimin, seizing the opportunity, leaned in closer to Yoongi. "You know, hyung, I think you secretly enjoy all the attention."

Yoongi's cheeks flushed slightly, but he didn't pull away. "Maybe I do," he admitted quietly.

The playful atmosphere continued as the trio wandered through the park, their laughter echoing through the trees. Hoseok, always the life of the moment, suggested they take a group photo to commemorate the moment.

"Come on, everyone! Let's take a picture" Hoseok called out, gathering the rest of the members.

Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook joined them, and they huddled together for the photo.
Hoseok set up his phone on a nearby rock and ran back to join the group just in time for the timer to go off.

The resulting photo was a perfect snapshot of their bond: smiles, laughter, and a sense of unity that could withstand any challenge.

As they made their way back to the dorm, Namjoon began discussing their next steps. "We need to do more research on this darkness the guardian mentioned. Maybe we can find more clues in the book Yoongi found."

Jin nodded in agreement. "And we should also prepare ourselves for any potential threats. We can't let our guard down."

Despite the seriousness of their conversation, there was still room for lighthearted moments.
Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged glances, their fingers brushing together in a silent promise of support and love.

That evening, as they gathered in the living room to continue their research, Jungkook couldn't help but be extra affectionate. He nestled against Taehyung, his head resting on Taehyung's shoulder.

"You know, Tae, I was thinking..." Jungkook began, his voice soft and hesitant.

Taehyung turned to look at him, curiosity in his eyes. "What is it, Kookie?"

Jungkook bit his lip, gathering his thoughts. "I want us to go on a proper date. Just the two of us. Before things get too crazy with this mission."

Taehyung's heart melted at Jungkook's words. "I'd love that, Kookie. Let's make it happen."

Jimin, overhearing their conversation, couldn't resist chiming in. "A date, huh? You two lovebirds better make it special."

Yoongi, not wanting to be left out, added with a smirk, "And make sure to tell us all about it afterward."

Hoseok laughed, patting Yoongi on the back. "See, hyung? You're a romantic at heart and you're even asking for details."

Yoongi huffed, but the twinkle in his eyes betrayed his true feelings.
"Whatever you say, Hobi."

With their plans set and their hearts full, the members continued their preparations, knowing that their love and friendship would guide them through whatever lay ahead. And as the night wore on, Taehyung and Jungkook made a silent promise to cherish every moment, knowing that their bond was stronger than any darkness they might face.

"Since tae and kook are going on a date should we plane a date to-"

"-oh my god! Hobi hyung pinch me! Did he actually said what we heard..oh god i can't belive it!
Hyung can you say it again so i can record it and-"

"-shut up jimin!"

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