Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: Unraveling Secrets

The morning sun had barely risen when BTS members gathered around the living room table, their faces illuminated by the early light streaming through the windows.
The air was thick with tension and anticipation as they reviewed the ancient texts and the new information Namjoon had uncovered.

"Alright," Namjoon said, his voice steady. "We know about the ritual now, but we need to figure out how to prepare and execute it properly."

Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged a look, their determination mirrored in each other's eyes.
They had come too far to turn back now.

"Is there any mention of what we need for the ritual?" Jin asked, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Namjoon nodded, flipping through the pages. "Yes, but it's vague. It talks about gathering the 'energy of unity' and performing the ritual at the 'heart of the city' under the light of a full moon."

Hoseok frowned. "Energy of unity? What does that even mean?"

Yoongi, who had been quietly studying a different text, looked up. "It probably means the bond we share. Our connection as a group."

"That makes sense," Jimin said thoughtfully. "We've always been stronger together. Our bond is what keeps us going."

Sejin, who had been silently listening, finally spoke up. "We need to be careful. This isn't just about the ritual. The darkness will try to stop you. You have to be prepared for anything."


The following days were a blur of preparation and practice. They balanced their busy schedule with the intense focus needed for the upcoming ritual.
Despite the seriousness of their mission, they found moments of lightness and laughter, their bond only growing stronger.

One afternoon, as they took a break from rehearsal, the members gathered in the practice room, the atmosphere filled with a mix of exhaustion and camaraderie.

Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting on the floor, their backs against the mirrored wall. Jungkook, ever the clingy one, had his head resting on Taehyung's shoulder, eyes half-closed.

"You know," Taehyung said with a teasing smile, "you're like a koala, always clinging to me."

Jungkook opened one eye and smirked. "You love it."

Taehyung chuckled, pressing a kiss to Jungkook's forehead. "Yeah, I do."

Across the room, Jimin and Yoongi were in the middle of one of their playful arguments, Hoseok joining in for good measure.

"Yoongi-hyung, admit it," Jimin said, grinning. "You like the idea of us being a couple."

Yoongi rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the faint blush creeping up his cheeks. "You wish, Jiminie."

Hoseok laughed, nudging Yoongi. "Come on, hyung, we all know you're just playing hard to get."

"Shut up, Hobi," Yoongi muttered, though there was a hint of a smile on his lips.

Namjoon and Jin watched the scene with fond smiles, their own bond evident in the way they interacted.
Jin leaned over and whispered something in Namjoon's ear, making the leader chuckle.

As the sun set and the city lights began to twinkle, they knew it was time to head to the heart of Seoul for the ritual. The full moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie yet beautiful glow over the city.


They arrived at Gwanghwamun Square, the heart of the city, the symbol of Seoul's rich history and resilience.
The area was quiet, almost deserted at this hour, adding to the surreal atmosphere.

"Alright," Namjoon said, his voice steady despite the tension. "Let's do this."

They formed a circle, holding hands, their energy and unity palpable. As they began to chant the ancient words from the text, a soft glow started to emanate from the artifact they had brought with them. The light grew stronger, enveloping them in its warmth.

The ground beneath them seemed to pulse with energy, the connection between them amplifying the power of the ritual. They could feel the darkness pushing back, trying to break through, but their bond held firm.

"Stay focused," Sejin urged, his eyes scanning the perimeter for any signs of danger.

As the ritual reached its climax, the glow from the artifact exploded into a brilliant light, pushing the darkness back with a force that took their breath away.
The light expanded, enveloping the entire square, and for a moment, it felt like time itself had stopped.

When the light finally dimmed, they found themselves standing in the square, their breaths heavy and their bodies exhausted. But the darkness had retreated, its presence no longer felt.

"We did it," Taehyung said, his voice filled with relief and amazement.

Jungkook pulled him into a tight embrace, their hearts beating in sync. "We did."

"Yay we shaved the lives," jimin cheered loudly startling yoongi who was resting his head on hobi's shoulder closing his eyes. Jimin jumped around him
"We're so amazing...can someone even beat us in this world? No one!."

"Jimin for the sake of god can you stop jumping around energy's draining just by looking at you" yoongi groned holding jimin in one place.

Jimin who was wiggling to set himself free from yoongi's grip, stopped and looked at him for a while before smirking.

Jimin leaned towards yoongi's ear and wishperd in his sensual voice "would you like me to drain your energy in something else hyung."

Yoongi flushed red after hearing what jimin said, his grip finally loosened from the younger boy who hoped away joining taehyung and jungkook, like he didn't just currupted yoongi's mind with unholy thoughts.

Jimin smirked in victory after looking at yoongi's reaction.

The members slowly gathered together, their faces lit with smiles of triumph and relief. They had faced the darkness and won, their bond stronger than ever.

As they made their way back to the dorm, the city of Seoul felt different—brighter, more hopeful.
They knew there would be more challenges ahead, but they were ready to face them together.

And as they walked through the quiet streets, their laughter and voices filling the air, they knew that no matter what came next, they would always have each other. Their bond was their greatest strength, a light that would guide them through any darkness.

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