chapter 32

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Chapter 32: The Great Date Debate

The BTS dorm was buzzing with excitement.

The members had gathered in the living room, ready for an unusual yet entertaining event: a bragging contest about their recent romantic dates.

Hoseok, always the enthusiastic one, had volunteered to be the judge, while Namjoon and Jin were there to enjoy the show and provide commentary.

"Alright, everyone! Welcome to the Great Date Debate!" Hoseok announced, standing in the middle of the room with a playful grin.
"The rules are simple: each couple gets to brag about their romantic dates, and I'll decide who had the best one.
Namjoon-hyung and Jin-hyung will add their commentary. Ready?"

Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook exchanged mischievous glances, ready to showcase their experiences.

"Let the bragging begin!" Hoseok declared.

Jimin was the first to step forward, a confident smile on his face.
"Alright, I'll start. Yoongi-hyung and I had an amazing time at an art gallery. We spent hours admiring the paintings, and Yoongi even wrote a poem for me. It was so romantic, and we ended the night with a passionate kiss under the stars."

Yoongi blushed, looking away but smiling softly. Namjoon nodded appreciatively. "That sounds beautiful, Jimin. Very cultured."

Jin clapped. "A poem, huh? Yoongi’s stepping up his game!"

Taehyung was next, a glint of determination in his eyes.
"Well, Jungkook and I had a day at the amusement park. We rode roller coasters, played games, and watched fireworks together. It was thrilling and magical. And the best part? We ended the night on a private boat ride, just the two of us, with the stars as our witnesses."

Jungkook grinned, clearly proud of their date. Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "A boat ride? Impressive, Tae."

Jin nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a scene from a romance movie."

Jimin, not to be outdone by his soulmate who's now seems to be his enemy, quickly added, "But did you get a private booth in a café with a stunning city view and a serenade by the one and only Min Yoongi?"

Yoongi sighed, shaking his head but smiling.
Taehyung wasn't backing down, his spirit as high as the namsang tower.
"Maybe not, but we had a day filled with laughter and excitement. And don't forget the sunset by the lake!"

Hoseok looked back and forth between them, nodding. "Both are solid dates, but let's hear from Jungkook now."

Jungkook stepped up, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
"Tae and I also had a cozy movie night at the dorm. We cooked dinner together, and I even tried my hand at writing a song for him. It was intimate and special."

Namjoon and Jin exchanged glances, clearly impressed. "Writing a song? That’s a serious level of effort," Namjoon said.

Jin nodded. "It's clear you guys put a lot of heart into your dates."

Hoseok rubbed his chin thoughtfully, enjoying his role as the judge. "Alright, this is tough. Both couples had incredible dates. But there's one more factor to consider: the bragging."

Jimin, sensing an opportunity, decided to go for the win. "Well, Yoongi-hyung even made breakfast for me the next morning. Pancakes, my favorite!"

Yoongi chuckled. "You’re really going all out, aren’t you?"

Taehyung wasn’t giving up either. "Jungkook and I also had a follow-up date where we went hiking and watched the sunrise from a mountaintop. It was breathtaking."

Jungkook nodded eagerly. "Yeah, and Tae made hot chocolate for us. It was perfect."

Hoseok finally raised his hands, calling for silence. "Alright, alright. This has been an impressive display of romance. But I have to pick a winner. Based on the creativity, effort, and sheer romantic gestures... the winners are... Taekook!"

Jimin feigned shock, then laughed, clapping for Taehyung and Jungkook. Happy foe his soulmate.
"Well deserved, guys."

Taehyung and Jungkook high-fived, grinning from ear to ear. "Thanks, Hobi-hyung!" they said in unison and bowed infront of the judge.

Namjoon and Jin, who had been enjoying the friendly competition, joined in the applause. "Great job, everyone. This was fun," Namjoon said.

Jin nodded. "And it’s clear that everyone had an amazing time, which is what really matters," he got up from his seat and walked infront of the boys, his hands behind his back
"it doesn't matter who wins because at the end of the day, it's night!."

He finished his joke and threw out the conffitiee that was in his hands, in everyone's face and standing in a elegant pose.

Everyone brust out laughing loudly. The happiness radiating the whole dorm.

After the laughter died down.
Hoseok beamed, happy with the outcome. "Exactly. And just so you know, Jimin and Yoongi-hyung, your dates were fantastic too. It’s hard to pick a winner when everyone’s putting in so much effort and love."

Yoongi pulled Jimin close, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. "We’ll win next time, Jiminie."

Jimin smiled up at him, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Definitely, hyung."

As the members settled back into their usual routines, the warmth and camaraderie of the group shone brightly.

The Great Date Debate had not only been a fun event but had also highlighted the deep bonds and love they shared and bought them closer.

And with Namjoon and Jin watching the drama unfold with smiles, it was clear that their little family was stronger than ever.

"Hyung next time you'll dance for me on a super romantic song and I'll record it so i can make tae jealous, I'm sure they will never think about coming up with something like this."

"Of course-"

"-oh i heard the approval...get ready yoongi hyung the great dancer j-hope will be teaching you himself."

"I'm definitely winning this time!"

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