chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Clingy Jungkook's True Intentions

The day after their epic prank war, the BTS dorm was a haven of cozy contentment. The members lounged around, recovering from the laughter and excitement of the previous day.
Breakfast was a relaxed affair, filled with shared smiles and playful teasing.

Taehyung and Jungkook were inseparable as usual, with Jungkook being especially clingy.
He wrapped himself around Taehyung like an affectionate koala, refusing to let go even as Taehyung tried to pour himself a cup of coffee.

"Jungkook, I need to move," Taehyung laughed, trying to shake Jungkook off gently.

Jungkook pouted, nuzzling into Taehyung's neck. "But you're so warm, Tae," he whined playfully, his voice muffled.

Namjoon looked up from his book, raising an eyebrow. "Someone's extra cuddly today."

"Jungkook's always like this with tae," Yoongi remarked, sipping his tea. "Nothing new."

Jimin grinned, watching the two with amusement. "He just knows how to get what he wants."

Throughout the day, Jungkook's clinginess only intensified.
He followed Taehyung everywhere, holding his hand, resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder, and even insisting on sitting on his lap during their movie marathon.

Taehyung didn't mind. In fact, he enjoyed the attention, finding Jungkook's clinginess endearing and super cute. "What's up with you today, Kookie?" he asked, brushing a strand of hair from Jungkook's forehead.

Jungkook smiled sweetly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Just love being close to you, hyungie."

Jin and Hoseok exchanged knowing looks, clearly finding the whole situation entertaining. "He's up to something," Hoseok whispered to Jin, who nodded in agreement.

As evening approached, the members decided to cook dinner together.
Jungkook was practically glued to Taehyung's side, helping him chop vegetables and sneakily feeding him bits of food.

"You know, Jungkook," Jimin teased, "if you keep this up, people might think you have ulterior motives."

Jungkook flashed a playful grin. "Who, me? I'm innocent. Right hyung?" He asked taehyung batting his eyelashes. Taehyung squinted his eyes at the bunny infront of him in suspect but nodded anyways.

After dinner, the members scattered to their rooms, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone in the living room.
Jungkook nestled into Taehyung's side, his fingers tracing patterns on Taehyung's arm.

"Are you tired, Tae?" Jungkook asked softly, his voice carrying a hint of something more.

Taehyung shook his head, his curiosity piqued. "Not really. Why?"

Jungkook's eyes sparkled as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against Taehyung's ear. "There's something I want from you, hyung."

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat, a flush rising to his cheeks. "Oh? And what's that?"

Jungkook's playful demeanor shifted slightly, his gaze becoming more intense. "You," he whispered, his voice low and husky. "All of you."

Taehyung's breath caught in his throat as he realized what Jungkook meant.
The clinginess, the sweetness—it all led to this moment. Jungkook's eyes never left his, filled with desire and affection.

Without another word, Taehyung cupped Jungkook's face, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss.
The playful energy between them transformed into something deeper, more intense. They lost themselves in each other, the rest of the world fading away.

Jungkook's hands roamed Taehyung's back, pulling him closer. "I've wanted this all day," he murmured against Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung smiled, his heart racing. "Me too, Kookie. Me too."

Their kisses grew more fervent, the room filled with the sound of their shared breaths and soft whispers. The playful clinginess had given way to a deeper connection, a shared desire that had been simmering beneath the surface all day.

As they finally pulled apart, breathless and flushed, Jungkook's eyes sparkled with satisfaction. "I knew you'd understand, Tae."

Taehyung chuckled, resting his forehead against Jungkook's. "How could I not? You're impossible to resist."

The night stretched on, filled with stolen kisses and whispered promises. In each other's arms, they found a sense of completeness, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

And as they finally drifted off to sleep, tangled together in a mess of limbs and warmth, they knew that this was just the beginning of many more moments of love and desire to come.
Their journey together, both as friends and lovers, was far from over, and they were ready to face whatever adventures awaited them, side by side.

"Ah Jungkook-ah d-don't stop"

"Hyung i- ahh"

"Hell can't they be a little quiet for others sake"

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