chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Date Before the Mission

The morning sun cast a warm glow over the BTS dorm as Taehyung and Jungkook prepared for their much-anticipated date. Jungkook was particularly excited, having planned a day filled with their favorite activities.

"Are you sure you have everything, Kookie?" Taehyung asked, watching Jungkook double-check his backpack.

"Positive," Jungkook replied with a grin. "This is going to be the best date ever."

Meanwhile, in another part of the dorm, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok were also getting ready for their outing.
After listening to yoongi, jimin had decided that they deserved a day off too, and Yoongi and Hobi, had agreed happily.

"We should go to the amusement park," Jimin suggested as he rummaged through his closet for the perfect outfit.

Hoseok nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! It's been ages since we went. What do you think, Yoongi-hyung?"

Yoongi sighed but couldn't help smiling at their enthusiasm. "Fine, but no haunted houses."

Jimin smirked, nudging Yoongi playfully. "Scared, hyung?"

"Of course not," Yoongi replied, rolling his eyes. "I just don't like them."

As the two groups set out on their respective dates, the day promised to be filled with laughter and cherished moments.


*Taekook's Date*

Jungkook led Taehyung to their first destination: a quaint little café known for its delicious pastries and cozy atmosphere. They found a quiet corner and ordered their favorite treats.

"This place is perfect, Kookie," Taehyung said, taking a bite of his croissant.

Jungkook beamed. "I'm glad you like it. I wanted today to be special."

They spent the morning talking and laughing, reminiscing about their journey together and the adventures that lay ahead. After finishing their pastries, Jungkook took Taehyung to a nearby art gallery.

Taehyung's eyes lit up as they walked through the exhibits, admiring the paintings and sculptures.
"This is amazing. Thank you, Jungkook."

Jungkook leaned in, his voice soft. "Anything for you, Tae."

As the day continued, they visited a park where they fed the ducks and took a leisurely stroll by the lake. The simplicity of the moments shared made their bond feel even more profound.

Finally, as the sun began to set, they found a spot on a hill overlooking the city.
Sitting close, they watched the sky turn shades of orange and pink.

Taehyung rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder. "Today has been perfect."

Jungkook kissed the top of Taehyung's head. "It's not over yet. There's one more thing."

He pulled out a small box from his backpack and handed it to Taehyung. Inside was a necklace with a small pendant shaped like a star.

"So you'll always remember today," Jungkook said, his eyes filled with love.

Taehyung smiled, tears of happiness in his eyes.
"Thank you, Kookie. I'll cherish it always," looking at the beautiful pendent caressing it softly with his fingertips, he looked at jungkook with sparkling eyes " but i didn't get anything for you."

Jungkook laughed at his innocent hyung holding his cheeks with both hand he kissed taehyung's lips then his forehead and lastly his nose.

"You being here with me is enough hyungie."


*Yoonminseok's date*

Jimin, yoongi and Hoseok arrived at the amusement park, the lively atmosphere instantly lifting their spirits.
They started with the roller coasters, screaming and laughing as they soared through the air.

"Hyung, you look like you had fun," Jimin teased as they stepped off the ride, Yoongi's hair slightly disheveled.

Yoongi smirked. "Maybe a little."

Next, they tried their luck at the carnival games. Hoseok managed to win a giant stuffed bear, which he proudly presented to Yoongi.

"For you, hyung," Hoseok said with a grin.

Yoongi took the bear, rolling his eyes but smiling. "Thanks, Hobi."

As they wandered through the park, they came across a photo booth and decided to take some pictures.

The resulting strip was a perfect blend of funny faces, genuine smiles, and a candid shot of Yoongi looking at Jimin with unexpected tenderness.

Jimin noticed the photo and smirked. "Caught you, hyung."

Yoongi shrugged, trying to hide his blush. "Shut up."

For lunch, they sat at a picnic table and shared a giant pizza.
The conversation was filled with their usual banter, with Jimin and Hoseok trying to outdo each other in making Yoongi laugh.

After a few more rides and some sweet treats, they found themselves at a peaceful corner of the park, where they could watch the fireworks.

As the first explosion of color lit up the sky, Jimin leaned into Yoongi.
"Today was really fun, hyung. Thanks for coming with us."

Yoongi wrapped an arm around Jimin, pulling him close. "I wouldn't miss it."

Hoseok, on Yoongi's other side, leaned his head on Yoongi's shoulder. "We should do this more often."

Yoongi sighed contentedly. "Yeah, we should."

As the fireworks continued, they sat in comfortable silence, the unspoken bond between them growing stronger.

"I'll take it as a date as yoongi hyung wanted-"

"-yah" and the sweet melody of jimin's laugh filled the surrounding, making the other two laugh along.


Back at the Dorm

Returning to the dorm, both groups were met with laughter and teasing. Taehyung and Jungkook recounted their day, while Jimin proudly showed off their photo booth pictures.
Both soulmates bragging about their dates to eachother.

"So, did you guys enjoy your dates?" Namjoon asked, a knowing smile on his face.

"Definitely," Taehyung said, squeezing Jungkook's hand.

"Best day ever," Hoseok added, nudging Yoongi, who simply nodded in agreement.

The evening was filled with stories and laughter, the members teasing each other and sharing their happiness.
Despite the looming mission, their hearts were light, their bonds stronger than ever.

As they prepared for bed, Jungkook whispered to Taehyung, "I'm glad we had today. No matter what happens, we'll always have each other."

Taehyung smiled, pulling Jungkook close. "Always."

And as they drifted off to sleep, the warmth of their love and the strength of their friendship enveloped them, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"We will go to a cat cafe next for our know, to get yoongi hyung to meet his kind-"

"-i swear to god park jimin if you don't shut up with your after show talks-"

Yoongi continued cursing as hobi and jimin's giggle filled the room.

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